Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Alkaline Trio > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Alkaline trio

Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs

1. Hot For Preacher
2. Meet Me
3. Versions Of You
4. Bad Time
5. Scars
6. Break
7. Shake With Me
8. Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs
9. Hinterlude
10. Broken Down In A Time Machine
11. Teenage Heart

Bad Time

1. Bad Time
2. Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs


1. Minds Like Minefields
2. Radio Violence
3. Smokestack

Is This Thing Cursed?

1. Is This Thing Cursed?
2. Blackbird
3. Demon and Division
4. Little Help?
5. I Can't Believe
6. Sweet Vampires
7. Pale Blue Ribbon
8. Goodbye Fire Island
9. Stay
10. Heart Attacks
11. Worn So Thin
12. Throw Me To The Lions
13. Krystalline

Demon and Division

1. Demon and Division
2. Blackbird

Is This Thing Cursed?

1. Is This Thing Cursed?
2. Blackbird


1. Blackbird

Crimson (Past Live)

1. Time to Waste (Live)
2. The Poison (Live)
3. Burn (Live)
4. Mercy Me (Live)
5. Dethbed (Live)
6. Settle for Satin (Live)
7. Sadie (Live)
8. Fall Victim (Live)
9. I Was a Prayer (Live)
10. Prevent This Tragedy (Live)
11. Back to Hell (Live)
12. Your Neck (Live)
13. Smoke (Live)

From Here to Infirmary (Past Live)

1. Private Eye (Live)
2. Mr. Chainsaw(Live)
3. Take Lots With Alcohol (Live)
4. Stupid Kid (Live)
5. Another Innocent Girl (Live)
6. Steamer Trunk (Live)
7. You're Dead (Live)
8. Armageddon (Live)
9. I'm Dying Tomorrow (Live)
10. Bloodied up (Live)
11. Trucks and Trains (Live)
12. Crawl (Live)

Good Mourning (Past Live)

1. This Could Be Love (Live)
2. We've Had Enough (Live)
3. One Hundred Stories (Live)
4. Continental (Live)
5. All on Black (Live)
6. Emma (Live)
7. Fatally Yours (Live)
8. Every Thug Needs a Lady (Live)
9. Blue Carolina (Live)
10. Donner Party (All Night) [Live]
11. If We Never Go Inside (Live)
12. Blue in the Face (Live)

This Addiction (Past Live)

1. This Addiction (Live)
2. Dine, Dine My Darling (Live)
3. Lead Poisoning (Live)
4. Dead on the Floor (Live)
5. The American Scream (Live)
6. Off the Map (Live)
7. Draculina (Live)
8. Eating Me Alive (Live)
9. Piss and Vinegar (Live)
10. Dorothy (Live)
11. Fine (Live)

Maybe I'll Catch Fire (Past Live)

1. Keep 'Em Coming (Live)
2. Madam Me (Live)
3. You've Got so Far to Go (Live)
4. Fuck You Aurora (Live)
5. Sleepyhead (Live)
6. Maybe I'll Catch Fire (Live)
7. Tuck Me In (Live)
8. She Took Him to the Lake (Live)
9. 5-3-10-4 (Live)
10. Radio (Live)

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