Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Alkaline Trio > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Alkaline trio

Agony & Irony

1. Calling All Skeletons
2. Help Me
3. In Vein
4. Over And Out
5. I Found Away
6. Do You Wanna Know?
7. Live Young, Die Fast
8. Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss
9. Lost And Rendered
10. Ruin It
11. Into The Night

Agony & Irony

1. Calling All Skeletons
2. Help Me
3. In Vein
4. Over And Out
5. I Found Away
6. Do You Wanna Know?
7. Live Young, Die Fast
8. Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss
9. Lost And Rendered
10. Ruin It
11. Into The Night
12. Burned Is The House
13. Maybe I'll Catch Fire
14. Live Young, Die Fast
15. Into The Night
16. Over And Out
17. Lost And Rendered

Agony & Irony

1. Calling All Skeletons
2. Help Me
3. In Vein
4. Over And Out
5. I Found Away
6. Do You Wanna Know?
7. Live Young, Die Fast
8. Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss
9. Lost And Rendered
10. Ruin It
11. Into The Night
12. In My Stomach

Help Me

1. Help Me
2. Do You Wanna Know?

Goddamnit Redux

1. Cringe
2. Cop
3. San Francisco
4. Nose Over Tail
5. As You Were
6. Enjoy Your Day
7. Clavicle
8. My Little Needle
9. Southern Rock
10. Message From Kathlene
11. Trouble Breathing
12. Sorry About That
13. Weak Week
14. Nose Over Talk
15. Ninety-Seven
16. Sundials


1. Gringe
2. Cop
3. San Francisco
4. Nose Over Tail
5. As You Were
6. Enjoy Your Day
7. Clavicle
8. My Little Needle
9. Southern Rock
10. Message From Kathlene
11. Trouble Breathing
12. Sorry About That
13. Weak Week
14. Nose Over Tail
15. Ninety-Seven
16. Sundials


1. Cringe
2. Cop
3. San Francisco
4. Nose Over Tail
5. As You Were
6. Enjoy Your Day
7. Clavicle
8. My Little Needle
9. Southern Rock
10. Message From Kathlene
11. Trouble Breathing
12. Sorry About That
13. Weak Week
14. Nose Over Talk
15. Ninety-Seven
16. Sundials

From Here To Infirmary

1. Private Eye
2. Mr Chainsaw
3. Take Lots With Alcohol
4. Stupid Kid
5. Another Innocent Girl
6. Steamer trunk
7. You're Dead
8. Armageddon
9. I'm Dying Tomorrow
10. Bloodied Up
11. Trucks And trains
12. Crawl


1. Hell Yes
2. My Standard Break From Life
3. Dead End Road
4. Metro
5. Jaked On Green Beers
6. Queen Of Pain
7. While You're Waiting
8. Rooftops
9. Old School Reasons
10. Warbrain
11. Fine Without You
12. Hating Every Minute
13. Dead And Broken
14. Sadie
15. If You Had A Bad Time
16. Wait For The Blackout
17. We Can Never Break Up
18. Don't Say You Won't
19. Buried
20. Dethbed
21. My Standard Break From Life
22. I'm Dying Tomorrow


1. Hell Yes
2. My Standard Break From Life
3. Dead End Road
4. Metro
5. Jaked On Green Beers
6. Queen of Pain
7. While You're Waiting
8. Rooftops
9. Old School reasons
10. Warbrain
11. Fine Without You
12. Hating Every Minute
13. Dead And Broken
14. Sadie
15. If You Had A Bad Time
16. Wait For The Blackout
17. We Can Never Break Up
18. Don't Say You Won't
19. Buried
20. Dethbed
21. My Standard Break From Life
22. I'm Dying Tomorrow

Hell Yes

1. Hell Yes


1. Burn (single Version)
2. Burn (demo Version)
3. Burn (test Icicles Remix)
4. Burn (65 Days Of Static Remix)

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