Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Walter > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Walter


1. Лето

Tell Me About

1. Tell Me About

Take My Word

1. Take My Word

Take Your Time

1. Take Your Time

Take Care!

1. Take Care!

Take a Guess

1. Take a Guess

Kholwa Ku Jehova

1. Kholwa ku Jehova


1. Drugs Are Like That
2. If She Only Felt So Free
3. I Got You
4. Get Swept Away
5. Little Dark Dot


1. Roger, the Rhino
2. Love to Dig
3. Silky Lingerie
4. Giraffe (The World in Shock)
5. Rock Surfing
6. Charming Snake
7. Humanzee
8. Lovers’ Lake Killifish
9. Wild Boars

Disco & Tech

1. Disco - Original Mix
2. Tech - Original Mix

Poetics of Space / Like the Fly

1. Poetics of Space
2. Like the Fly

Kick & Bass

1. Bass - Original Mix
2. Kick - Original Mix

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