Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Tokio > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Tokio

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1. Sneg
2. Serdtse
3. Zvezda
4. Tol`ko Ty
5. Pal`tsy-naruchniki
6. Belyy Sneg Antarktidy
7. Pomogi Mne
8. Moskva
9. To Be Number One
10. Po Venam

Puls 200

1. My World
2. Whom You Will Make Me
3. Depth
4. Nomad
5. Noisy City
6. If Yes
7. You There Is
8. Who I Without You
9. Run The Love
10. When You Cry
11. Indira Gandhi
12. My Illusions
13. Who I Without You
14. Who I Without You

Vybiraju Ljubov

1. What I mean
2. Overtake
3. You know everything
4. In my head
5. I love
6. With you and without you
7. Ice-breaker Hope
8. Schizophrenia of the world
9. I choose love
10. I believe
11. We will fill this world with love


1. Ne Mogu Nasmotret`sja
2. Ja Tebja Ljublju
3. Nitstsa
4. ZHemchuzhina Mira
5. Slomannye Tsvety
6. Gipnoz
7. Vizhu Ljubov`
8. Bliznets
9. Rasskazhi Mne
10. Ritm
11. Magic


1. Magic

Ja Tebja Ljublju

1. Ja Tebja Ljublju

I Choose Love

1. What I mean
2. Overtake
3. You know everything
4. In my head
5. I love
6. With you and without you
7. Ice-breaker Hope
8. Schizophrenia of the world
9. I choose love
10. I believe
11. We will fill this world with love


1. Sneg - The Snow
2. Serdce - The Heart
3. Zvezda - The Star
4. Tolko ty - Only You
5. Paltsy-naruchniki - Fingers Like Handcuf
6. Beliy sneg Antarktidy - White Snow of An
7. Pomogi mne - Help Me
8. Moskva - Moscow
9. To Be Number One
10. Po venam - In Veins

Puls 200

1. Moy mir
2. Kogo ty sdelaesh mnoy
3. Glubina
4. Kochevniki
5. Shumnyi gorod
6. Esli da
7. Est ty
8. Kto ya bez tebya u
9. Begi liubov
10. Kogda ty plachesh
11. Indira Gandi
12. Moi illyuzii
13. Kto ya bez tebya
14. Kto ya bez tebya (feat. K.R.P.)

Vibirau Lubov

1. Dogonim
2. Ledokol - Nadezhda
3. Napomnim etot mir lubov'u
4. O chem ya
5. S toboy i bez tebya
6. Shizofreniya mira
7. Ti vse znaesh
8. V moey golove
9. Veru ya
10. Vibirau lubov
11. Ya tak lublu

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