Accueil > Artistes > The Wiggles > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The wiggles

Dorothy Doll

1. Dorothy Doll

Big Red Ute

1. Big Red Ute

The Wiggles Sound System: Rave of Innocence

1. The Monkey Dance - The Wiggles Sound Sys
2. Rock-a-Bye Your Bear - The Wiggles Sound
3. Hot Potato - The Wiggles Sound System Re
4. Row, Row, Row Your Boat - The Wiggles So
5. Henry the Octopus - The Wiggles Sound Sy
6. B.I.N.G.O. - The Wiggles Sound System Re
7. ABC - The Wiggles Sound System Remix
8. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car -
9. Fruit Salad - The Wiggles Sound System R
10. Bouncing Balls - The Wiggles Sound Syste
11. Five Little Ducks - The Wiggles Sound Sy
12. Wags the Dog, He Likes to Tango - The Wi
13. Baby Shark - The Wiggles Sound System Re
14. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star - The Wigg

The Sound of Christmas

1. Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas!
2. Here Come the Reindeer
3. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
4. Ring-a-Ding-a-Ding Dong
5. Jingle Bells
6. It's a Christmas Party, On The Goodship
7. Rockin' Santa
8. Run Rudolf Run
9. Winter Wonderland
10. Dorothy's Special Christmas Cake
11. White Christmas
12. Three Christmas Elves
13. We Three Elves
14. S.A.N.T.A
15. Go Santa Go!
16. Great Big Man In Red
17. Feliz Navidad
18. Henry the Champion Christmas Wrapper
19. Twelve Days of Christmas
20. O Christmas Tree
21. Christmas Ballet
22. Last Christmas
23. Ding Dong Merrily On High
24. Away in a Manger
25. Silent Night
26. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
27. Auld Lang Syne

Baby Shark

1. Baby Shark

The Best of The Wiggles

1. Hot Potato
2. Rock-a-Bye Your Bear
3. Fruit Salad
4. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
5. Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Theme
6. Get Ready to Wiggle
7. Say the Dance, Do the Dance!
8. The Monkey Dance
9. Dippy Do Dinosaur Dance!
10. Skinnamarink
11. Hokey Pokey
12. Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the T
13. DOROTHY (My Favourite Dinosaur)
14. Around the World
15. Do the Skeleton Scat!
16. Apples and Bananas
17. Here Comes a Bear
18. Who's in the Wiggle House?
19. Romp Bomp a Stomp
20. Sing Together
21. Hey Tsehay
22. Five Little Monkeys
23. Choppy Corker
24. Wake Up Lachy!
25. Swim Like a Fish
26. Di Dicki Do Dum
27. The Shimmie Shake!
28. Come on Down to Wiggle Town
29. Do the Wiggle Groove
30. Follow the Leader
31. Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His
32. I'm John, I'm Strong!
33. Dr Knickerbocker
34. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
35. Wiggle Your Ears
36. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around
37. Rockin' with Anto!
38. Rattlin' Bog
39. Bluebird
40. Happy Birthday
41. Do the Propeller!
42. Captain Feathersword (He Loves to Dance)
43. The Wonder of Wiggle Town
44. Five Finger Family
45. Caterina's Red Machina
46. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
47. Bouncing Balls
48. Michael Finnegan
49. I've Got My Glasses On!
50. If You're Happy and You Know It

Hot Potato! The Best of The OG Wiggles

1. Hot Potato
2. Get Ready to Wiggle
3. Rock-a-Bye Your Bear
4. Fruit Salad
5. Dorothy the Dinosaur
6. Here Comes a Bear - Live
7. Walk
8. Joannie Works with One Hammer
9. Wake up Jeff!
10. Can You Point Your Fingers and Do the Tw
11. Romp Bomp a Stomp
12. Henry's Dance
13. We're Dancing with Wags the Dog
14. I'm a Cow
15. Toot, Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
16. D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur)
17. The Monkey Dance
18. Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His
19. Here Come the Reindeer
20. Look Both Ways
21. Taba Naba
22. Dancing in the Sand
23. The Crocodile Hunter
24. Play Your Guitar with Murray
25. Do the Wiggle Groove

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

1. Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Here Come The Wiggles

1. Here Come The Wiggles

Anthony Ant

1. Anthony Ant

Handwashing Song

1. Handwashing Song

Emma! 2

1. E-M-M-A Theme Song
2. Emma’s Hello Song
3. Time To Walk To The Garden
4. To The Park We’ll Go With Our Bows
5. Mia Oréa Petalútha
6. Emma’s Garden Minuet
7. Galumph Went The Little Green Frog
8. The Blackbird
9. Five Fingered Family - Anindilyakwa
10. Emma & Francisco Baila Salsa
11. I Look In The Mirror
12. Poesje Mauw
13. Emma’s Bowmobile
14. Samba Go, Go, Go!
15. Johnny Put The Kettle On
16. In Emma’s Dancing Room
17. Gumboot Dance
18. Butterfly Ballet
19. Three Little Wrens
20. Let’s Take A Plane Ride
21. Ponies
22. Emma’s Music Box
23. Five Little Speckled Frogs
24. Maranoa Lullaby
25. Now’s The Time For Dressing Up (Astronau
26. Walking On The Moon
27. I’ve Got My Glasses On!
28. Haru Ga Kita
29. What’s In Emma’s Bow Bag?
30. Let's Go And See (The Smiling Scientist)
31. Sink Or Float
32. Emma Baila Baila!
33. Five Fingered Family - Tamil
34. Emma’s Goodbye Reverence

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