Accueil > Artistes > The Wiggles > The Wiggles' Big Ballet Day!

The Wiggles

The Wiggles' Big Ballet Day!

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Hello, We’re The Wiggles
Dance with Emma Ballerina!
Oh, What Shall We Wear to the Ballet Today?
The Alphabet Ballet
Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Stand Up, Clap, Sit Down
Let’s Put the Pop in the Popcorn!
My Ballet Goat
The Magpie Song
I Am a Dancer
The Music of the Ballet Orchestra
Hello to the Resting Cows
The Toilet Song
Brisé in the Breeze
Dorothy Pas de Deux
Captain Byng with a Y
Picking All the Flowers
The Pirouette
Wags is Dancing in the Moonlight
Stop at the Lights
The Fairy King and Queen from Narrabeen
Theatre Fun
Lachy’s Lullaby
The Garden Ballet
La Paloma
Goodbye from the Ballet Today

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The Wiggles
The Best of The Wiggles

The Wiggles
The Wiggles Meet the Orchestra!

The Wiggles
Emma! 2

The Wiggles
The Best Of The Wiggles

The Wiggles
The Wiggles Nursery Rhymes

The Wiggles
The Emma & Lachy Show

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