Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > The Push Stars > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The push stars

3 Feet in the Air

1. Nightclub Singer
2. Stand Beside the Present Time
3. I Wrote a Song for You
4. Don't Let Your Monday Own Your Sunday
5. Boots on a Telephone Wire
6. Tequila and Lime
7. In the in Between
8. Everybody Is an Alcoholic
9. Into the Bright Lights
10. The Dark Side
11. Three Feet in the Air
12. Air in the Bright Lights

After The Party

1. Any Little Town
2. Drunk Is Better Than Dead
3. Cinderella
4. Too Much Pride
5. Everything Shines
6. Moving Target
7. Meet Me On Main Street
8. Minnesota
9. Back To The Party
10. Sofkuri's Room
11. Cash
12. Cadillac

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