Accueil > Artistes > Death, Black, Gothique > The Old Dead Tree > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The old dead tree

The Water Fields

1. Start The Fire
2. Don't Wake Me Up (Those Who Never Wear W
3. Dive
4. What's Done Is Done
5. The Water Fields
6. Is Your Soul For Sale?
7. A Distant Light Was Shining
8. Regarding Kate
9. Rise To The Occasion
10. Hey !
11. This Is Now Farewell

The Water Fields

1. Start the Fire
2. Don't Wake Me Up
3. Dive
4. What's Done Is Done
5. The Water Fields
6. Is Your Soul for Sale ?
7. A Distant Light Was Shining
8. Regarding Kate
9. Rise to the Occasion
10. Hey !
11. This Is Now Farewell

The Water Fields

1. Start The Fire
2. Don't Wake Me Up (Those Who Never Wear W
3. Dive
4. What's Done Is Done
5. The Water Fields
6. Is Your Soul For Sale ?
7. A Distant Light Was Shining
8. Regarding Kate
9. Rise To The Occasion
10. Hey !
11. This Is Now Farewell

The Perpetual Motion

1. Out Of Breath
2. The Lost Boy: Unrelenting
3. The Lost Boy: I Can't Get Rid Of It
4. The Lost Boy: What Else Could We've Said
5. The Lost Boy: So Be It!
6. Down: Everyday Life
7. Down: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
8. Down: By The Way
9. Down: My Friends
10. Down: Even If
11. The Sad Fairytale: The Knock Out Song
12. The Sad Fairytale: This Is No Farewell

The Perpetual Motion

1. Out of Breath
2. Unrelenting
3. I Can't Get Rid of It
4. What Else Could We've Said
5. So It Be
6. Everyday Life
7. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
8. By the Way
9. My Friends
10. Even If
11. The Knock Out Song
12. This Is No Farewell

The Perpetual Motion

1. Out Of Breath
2. Unrelenting
3. I Can't Get Rid Of It
4. What Else Could We've Said
5. So It Be
6. Everyday Life
7. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
8. By The Way
9. My Friends
10. Even If
11. The Knock Out Song
12. This Is No Farewell

The Nameless Disease

1. We Cry As One
2. It Can't Be !
3. How Could You ?
4. Won't Follow Him
5. It's The Same For Everyone
6. Somewhere Else
7. Joy and Happiness
8. Transition
9. Quietly Kissing Death
10. All...
11. The Bathroom Monologue

The Nameless Disease

1. We Cry As One
2. It Can't Be !
3. How Could You ?
4. Won't Follow Him
5. It's the Same for Everyone
6. Somewhere Else
7. Joy and Happiness
8. Transition
9. Quietly Kissing Death
10. All...
11. The Bathroom Monologue

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