Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > The Hot Toddies > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The hot toddies

Get Your Heart On

1. Ordinateur Ordinaire
2. Max's Mankini
3. Only With You
4. Celiac Love Song
5. Slow Cookin'
6. Matt Skiba Sandwich
7. Keep on Runnin' (The Vampire Song)
8. Boys on Bikes
9. Rain or Shine
10. Summertime Dreams

Smell The Mitten

1. Sugar Daddy
2. The Surf Song
3. Seattle
5. Photosynthesis
6. Wet Dream
7. What's Your Sign?
8. Anais Nin vs. The Pirates of Santa Cruz
9. Motorscooter
10. Rocker Girl
11. Ocean

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