Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > The Get Up Kids > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The get up kids


1. Satellite
2. The Problem is Me
3. Salina
4. Now or Never
5. Lou Barlow
6. Fairweather Friends
7. Common Ground
8. Waking up Alone
9. The Advocate
10. Symphony of Silence
11. Brakelines
12. Your Ghost is Gone

Waking up Alone

1. Waking up Alone

The Problem is Me

1. The Problem is Me


1. Satellite


1. Maybe
2. Better This Way
3. I'm Sorry
4. My Own Reflection

Better This Way

1. Better This Way


1. Maybe

Rally 'round The Fool

1. Rally 'Round the Fool
2. Past is Past

There Are Rules

1. Tithe
2. Regent's Court
3. Shatter Your Lungs
4. Automatic
5. Pararelevant
6. Rally 'Round the Fool
7. Better Lie
8. Keith Case
9. The Widow Paris
10. Birmingham
11. When it Dies
12. Rememorable

There Are Rules

1. Tithe
2. Regent's Court
3. Shatter Your Lungs
4. Automatic
5. Pararelevant
6. Rally 'Round The Fool
7. Better Lie
8. Keith Case
9. The Widow Paris
10. Birmingham
11. When It Dies
12. Rememorable

Simple Science

1. Your Petty Pretty Things
2. Keith Case
3. Tommy Gentle
4. How You're Bound

Something To Write Home About

1. Holiday
2. Action & Action
3. Valentine
4. Red Letter Day
5. Out Of Reach
6. Ten Minutes
7. The Company Dime
8. My Apology
9. I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel
10. Long Goodnight
11. Close To Home
12. I'll Catch You
13. Holiday
14. Action & Action
15. Valentine
16. Red Letter Day
17. Out Of Reach
18. Ten Minutes
19. The Company Dime
20. My Apology
21. I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel
22. Long Goodnight
23. Close To Home
24. I'll Catch You

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