Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > The Dirty Projectors > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The dirty projectors

Rise Above

1. What I See
2. No More
3. Depression
4. Six Pack
5. Thirsty And Miserable
6. Police Story
7. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
8. Spray Paint (The Walls)
9. Room 13
10. Rise Above
11. Untitled Bonus Track

Rise Above

1. What I See
2. No More
3. Depression
4. Six Pack
5. Thirsty and Miserable
6. Police Story
7. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
8. Spray Paint (The Walls)
9. Room 13
10. Rise Above
11. Untitled

New Attitude

1. Fucked For Life
2. Two Sheep Asleep
3. Imagine It
4. Likeness Of Uncles
5. Two Young Sheeps
6. Darkened Car
7. Katy At The Mall, Pts. 1 & 2

The Getty Address

1. I Sit On The Ridge At Dusk
2. But In The Headlights
3. Warholian Wigs
4. I Will Truck
5. D. Henley's Dream
6. Gilt Gold Scabs
7. Ponds & Puddles
8. Not Having Found
9. Tour Along The Potomac
10. Jolly Jolly Jolly Ego
11. Time Birthed Spilled Blood
12. Drilling Profitably
13. Finches' Song At Oceanic Parking Lot

Slaves' Graves & Ballads

1. Somberly, Kimberly
2. On The Beach
3. (Throw On) The Hazard Lights
4. Slaves' Graves
5. Grandfather's Hanging
6. We Are Swaddled
7. Hazard Lights (Reprise)
8. A Labor More Restful
9. Unmoved
10. Ladies, You Have Exiled Me
11. Because Your Light Is Turning Green
12. Obscure Wisdom
13. This Weather
14. Since I Opened

The Glad Fact

1. The Glad Fact
2. My Offwhite Flag
3. Like Fake Blood In Crisp October
4. Boredom Is A Product
5. Two Brown Finches
6. Three Brown Finches
7. Off Science Hill
8. Winter Is Here
9. Ground Underfoot
10. Spirit-Future Medley
11. Naked We Made It
12. Lit From Below
13. Imaginary Love
14. The Highway Is A Foggy Knife
15. The Minutes

Morning Better Last!

1. The Softer Shell
2. My Brother Had A Birthday
3. The Enterprising Catalyst
4. Grandfather's Jacket
5. After Santa Monica Boulevard
6. Dahlonegabhama
7. Further On Down The Strip
8. Katydids Calling
9. Twenty-Foot Stalks
10. We Could Cling
11. The Love-Prayer Book
12. To Give It Weight
13. Here Comes The Summer King
14. Her Freezings And Thawings
15. Hildegard Vs. Beach Boys
16. We Two Feared The Storm
17. How Does My Mind Work?
18. I Am Going To See It
19. Fake Folks
20. The Disordered Sprawl
21. Like Once-Heated Milk
22. O! You Hungering Infants
23. Morning Better Last!

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