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Albums et singles de The chariot

One Wing (feat. Bryan Taylor, Angela Plake, Travis Sadler)

1. Forget
2. Not (feat. Bryan Taylor)
3. Your (feat. Angela Plake)
4. First
5. Love.
6. Speak (feat. Travis Sadler)
7. In
8. Tongues
9. And
10. Cheek.

Before There Was

1. Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Doug
2. Some Day In The Event That Mankind...
3. Dialogue With A Question Mark
4. Die Interviewer (I Am Only Speaking In G
5. And Then, Came Then
6. The Company, The Comfort, The Grave
7. The Bullet Never Lies, And Time Will Pro
8. Yellow Dress: Locked Knees
9. If Wishes Were Horses, More Beggers Woul
10. Good Night My Lady, And A Forever Farewe
1. Back To Back
2. They Faced Each Other
3. They Drew Their Swords
4. And Shot Each Other
5. The Deaf Policemen
6. Heard This Noise
7. Then Came To Kill
8. The Two Dead Boys
9. Forgive Me Nashville
10. The Trumpet
1. Teach:
2. Evolve:
3. Need:
4. Impress.
5. Never I
6. Giveth
7. Abandon.
8. Daggers
9. Oversea
10. Mrs. Montgomery Alabama iii.


1. Yanni Depp
2. Phil Cosby (Before There Was Atlanta, Th
3. Vin Affleck (Goodnight My Lady and a For
4. Kenny Gibler (Play The Piano Like A Dise
5. Sargent Savage (Die Interviewer (Germani
6. Donnie Cash (The Company, The Comfort, T

The Fiancée

1. Back To Back
2. They Faced Each Other
3. They Drew Their Swords
4. And Shot Each Other
5. The Deaf Policemen
6. Heard This Noise
7. Then Came To Kill
8. The Two Dead Boys
9. Forgive Me Nashville
10. The Trumpet

Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, And Nothing Is Bleeding

1. Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Doug
2. Some Day In The Event That Mankind...
3. Dialogue With A Question Mark
4. Die Interviewer (i Am Only Speaking In G
5. And Then, Came Then
6. The Company, The Comfort, The Grave
7. The Bullet Never Lies, And Time Will Pro
8. Yellow Dress: Locked Knees
9. If Wishes Were Horses, More Beggers Woul
10. Good Night My Lady, And A Forever Farewe

Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead And Nothing Is Bleeding

1. Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Doug
2. Someday, In The Event That Mankind Actua
3. Dialogue With A Question Mark
4. Die Interviewer (i Am Only Speaking In G
5. And Then, Came Then
6. The Company, The Comfort, The Grave
7. The Bullet Never Lies, And Time Will Pro
8. Yellow Dress: Locked Knees
9. If Wishes Were Horses, More Beggars Woul
10. Good Night My Lady, And A Forever Farewe

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