Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > Soundgarden > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Soundgarden

Live From The Artists Den

1. Incessant Mace - Live From The Artists D
2. My Wave - Live From The Artists Den
3. Been Away Too Long - Live From The Artis
4. Worse Dreams - Live From The Artists Den
5. Jesus Christ Pose - Live From The Artist
6. Flower - Live From The Artists Den
7. Taree - Live From The Artists Den
8. Spoonman - Live From The Artists Den
9. By Crooked Steps - Live From The Artists
10. Blind Dogs - Live From The Artists Den
11. Rowing - Live From The Artists Den
12. Non-State Actor - Live From The Artists
13. Drawing Flies - Live From The Artists De
14. Hunted Down - Live From The Artists Den
15. Black Saturday - Live From The Artists D
16. Bones Of Birds - Live From The Artists D
17. Blow Up The Outside World - Live From Th
18. Fell On Black Days - Live From The Artis
19. Burden In My Hand - Live From The Artist
20. A Thousand Days Before - Live From The A
21. Blood On The Valley Floor - Live From Th
22. Rusty Cage - Live From The Artists Den
23. New Damage - Live From The Artists Den
24. 4th Of July - Live From The Artists Den
25. Outshined - Live From The Artists Den
26. Black Hole Sun - Live From The Artists D
27. Ty Cobb - Live From The Artists Den
28. Slaves & Bulldozers - Live From The Arti
29. Feedbacchanal - Live From The Artists De

Black Hole Sun/New Damage/Blind Dogs

1. Black Hole Sun - Live From The Artists D
2. New Damage - Live From The Artists Den
3. Blind Dogs - Live From The Artists Den

New Damage/Blind Dogs

1. New Damage - Live From The Artists Den
2. Blind Dogs - Live From The Artists Den

Blind Dogs

1. Blind Dogs - Live At The Wiltern, Los An

Live On Stage FM Broadcasts - Paradise Rock Club 21st January 1990

1. Searching With My Good Eye (Live 1990 FM
2. Flower (Live 1990 FM Broadcast)
3. Hands All Over (Live 1990 FM Broadcast)
4. Loud Love (Live 1990 FM Broadcast)
5. Full On Kevin's Mom (Live 1990 FM Broadc
6. Big Bottom (Live 1990 FM Broadcast)
7. Beyond The Wheel (Live 1990 FM Broadcast
8. Get On The Snake (Live 1990 FM Broadcast

Live On Stage FM Broadcasts - Hollywood Palladium 6th October 1991

1. Into The Void (Sealth) [Live 1991 FM Bro
2. Outshined (Live 1991 FM Broadcast)
3. Gun (Live 1991 FM Broadcast)
4. Room A Thousand Years Wide (Live 1991 FM
5. Big Dumb Sex (Live 1991 FM Broadcast)
6. Jesus Christ Pose (Live 1991 FM Broadcas
7. Searching With My Good Eye Closed (Live

Live On Stage FM Broadcasts - Lollapalooza Festival 22nd July 1992

1. Gun (Live 1992 FM Broadcast)
2. Jesus Christ Pose (Live 1992 FM Broadcas
3. Outshined (Live 1992 FM Broadcast)
4. Big Dumb Sex (Live 1992 FM Broadcast)
5. Ugly Truth (Live 1992 FM Broadcast)
6. Rusty Cage (Live 1992 FM Broadcast)
7. Slaves & Bulldozers (Live 1992 FM Broadc

Legendary FM Broadcasts - Lollapalooza Festival, Bremerton WA 22nd July 1992

1. Gun (Live 1992 FM Broadcast Remastered)
2. Jesus Christ Pose (Live 1992 FM Broadcas
3. Outshined (Live 1992 FM Broadcast Remast
4. Big Dumb Sex (Live 1992 FM Broadcast Rem
5. Ugly Truth (Live 1992 FM Broadcast Remas
6. Rusty Cage (Live 1992 FM Broadcast Remas
7. Slaves & Bulldozers (Live 1992 FM Broadc

Legendary FM Broadcasts - Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles CA 6th October 1991

1. Into The Void (Sealth) [Live 1991 FM Bro
2. Outshined (Live 1991 FM Broadcast Remast
3. Gun (Live 1991 FM Broadcast Remastered)
4. Room A Thousand Years Wide (Live 1991 FM
5. Big Dumb Sex (Live 1991 FM Broadcast Rem
6. Jesus Christ Pose (Live 1991 FM Broadcas
7. Searching With My Good Eye Closed (Live

Ultramega OK (Expanded Reissue)

1. Flower
2. All Your Lies
3. 665
4. Beyond the Wheel
5. 667
6. Mood for Trouble
7. Circle of Power
8. He Didn't
9. Smokestack Lightning
10. Nazi Driver
11. Head Injury
12. Incessant Mace
13. One Minute of Silence
14. Head Injury - Early Version
15. Beyond the Wheel - Early Version
16. Incessant Mace (Short) - Early Version
17. He Didn't - Early Version
18. All Your Lies - Early Version
19. Incessant Mace (Long) - Early Version


1. Flower

Beyond the Wheel (Early Version)

1. Beyond the Wheel - Early Version

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