Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Set Fire To Flames > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Set fire to flames

Sings Reign Bebuilder

1. I Will Be True...' (From Lips of Lying D
2. Vienna Arcweld / Fucked Gamelan / Rigid
3. Steal Compass / Drive North / Disappear
4. Wild Dogs of the Thunderbolt / 'They Can
5. Omaha
6. There Is No Dance in Frequency and Balan
7. Côte D'Abrahams Roomtone / 'What's Going
8. Love Song for 15 Ontario
9. Injur: Gutted Two-Track
10. When I First Get to Phoenix
11. Shit-Heap-Gloria of the New Town Plannin
12. Jesus / Pop
13. Esquimalt Harbour
14. Two Tears in a Bucket
15. Fading Lights Are Fading... / Reign Rebu

Telegraphs In Negative / Mouths Trapped In Static

1. Déja, comme des trous de vent, comme rep
2. Small Steps Against Inertia / Echo of a
3. Measure de mésure
4. Holy Throat Hiss Tracts to the Sedative
5. When Sorrow Shoots Her Darts
6. Kill Fatigue Frequencies
7. In Prelight Isolate
8. Tehran in Seizure / Telegraphs in Negati
9. Your Guts Are Like Mine
10. Fukt Perkusiv / Something About Bad Drug
11. Sleep Maps
12. Something About Eva Mattes in the Halo o
13. Buzz of Barn Flies Like Faulty Electroni
14. And the Birds Are About to Bust Their Gu
15. Rites of Spring Reverb

Sings Reign Bebuilder

1. I Will Be True…' (From Lips of Lying Dyi
2. Vienna Arcweld / Fucked Gamelan / Rigid
3. Steal Compass / Drive North / Disappear
4. Wild Dogs of the Thunderbolt / 'They Can
5. Omaha
6. There Is No Dance In Frequency and Balan
7. Côte D'Abrahams Roomtone / 'What's Going
8. Love Song for 15 Ontario (with Singing P
9. Injur: Gutted Two-Track
10. When I First Get to Phoenix
11. Shit-Heap-Gloria of the New Town Plannin
12. Jesus / Pop
13. Esquimalt Harbour
14. Two Tears In a Bucket
15. Fading Lights Are Fading… / Reign Rebuil

Telegraphs In Negative

1. déja, comme des trous de vent, comme rep
2. small steps against inertia / echo of a
3. measure de mesure
4. holy throat hiss tracts to the sedative
5. when sorrow shoots her darts
6. kill fatigue frequencies
7. in prelight isolate
8. tehran in seizure / telegraphs in negati
1. your guts are like mine
2. fukt perkusiv/something about bad drugs,
3. sleep maps
4. something about eva mattes in the halo o
5. buzz of barn flies like faulty electroni
6. and the birds are about to bust their gu
7. rites of spring reverb
8. mouths trapped in static
9. this thing between us is a rickety bridg

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