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Rap, Hip Hop » Rap, Hip Hop international

Albums et singles de Ryker's

The Beginning... Doesn't Know the End

1. Let's Ruin the Scene
2. Losing Touch
3. Cast in Stone
4. Dead End Street
5. The Beginning Doesn't Know the End
6. Old Passion
7. Collateral Damage
8. No Matter What
9. Overboard
10. The Six Million Dollar Band
11. Cold Lost Sick
12. Hard Pill to Swallow
13. Bully Boy
14. The End Justifies the Means
15. Sightseeing in the Age of Bbq

Cast in Stone

1. Cast in Stone

Let's Ruin the Scene

1. Let's Ruin the Scene

Losing Touch

1. Losing Touch

Never Meant to Last

1. My Demons
2. Fair Play Overrated
3. Pig Justice
4. The Outcast's Voice
5. The Tenth Level
6. We Ain't Going Away
7. The Age of...
8. The Downfall
9. Back in the City
10. Enemy of the People
11. Distractions
12. Remembrance
13. High Five in Your Face with a Chair
14. Cowboy Song

From The Cradle To The Grave (live)

1. Intro/First Blood (Live)
2. Lowlife (Live)
3. End of Line (Live)
4. Truth (Live)
5. To Whom It May Concern (Live)
6. Lifeline (Live)
7. Past The Point (Live)
8. Stranglehold (Live)
9. Gone for Good (Live)
10. Hunting Season (Live)
11. Forever And A Day (Live)
12. Nothing To Regret (Live)
13. As The Laughter Dies (Live)
14. Cold Lost Sick (Live)
15. True Love (Live)
16. Witching Hour (Live)
17. You'll Never Walk Alone (Live)
18. Slowly (Live)
19. What We Once Said (Live)
20. Justice (Live)
21. Once I Believed (Live)
22. Together (Live)
23. Brother Against Brother (Live)
24. Beg to Differ (Live)
1. Judas Reward
2. From The Cradle to The Grave
3. Sad And Done
4. Attitude
5. C'mon Let's Go
6. Don't Thread On Me
7. Dirty Deeds
8. London Leatherboys
9. End Of Line (Remix)

Life's A Is Death

1. Forever And A Day
2. End Of Line
3. Gone for Good
4. And None Shall Live
5. To Whom It May Concern
6. Violence Is Golden
7. Calculated
8. Past The Point
9. Bombs of Death
10. A Dream Gone Bad
11. Cataclystic
12. What It Means
13. Loss for Words
14. Stagnant
15. King
16. True Love
17. When Tigers Fight
18. You'll Never Walk Alone

A Lesson In Loyalty

1. Test Of Faith
2. As The Laughter Dies
3. Lesson In Loyalty
4. Naturally
5. Still
6. Triggered
7. Cold/lost/sick
8. 25
9. Gutless
10. Sober
11. Shadowplay
12. Straight
13. The Peak
14. Finally
15. Emergency
16. Who Laughs At Last...(laughs Alone!)

Ground Zero

1. I Reject
2. Lifeline
3. This Separation Mine
4. Without A Second Thought
5. When There's No Divide
6. Hunting Season
7. Lowlife
8. Imbalance
9. Prove Yourself
10. Engine
11. Ground Zero
12. The Cause
13. Loose Ends
14. My Clear Moment
15. Absolution '95
16. Witching Hour

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