Accueil > Artistes > B.O.F. > Ramin Djawadi > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Ramin djawadi

Pacific Rim-Doomsday:Last Survivors Theme Song

1. Pacific Rim-Doomsday:Last Survivors Them

Win or Lose (Original Soundtrack)

1. You Are All Winners
2. Let's Go Laurie
3. You'll Get 'em Next Time
4. Training Montage
5. High Stakes
6. Off To The Races
7. For My Team
8. Just Doing My Job
9. What Are You Up To?
10. I'm Independent
11. From The Moment I Laid Eyes On You
12. Brand New Day
13. Stack It Up
14. One Of Those Lovely Days
15. Game Time
16. Husslin'
17. BadBoy2023
18. Pick Up The Phone
19. Meet Me Halfway
20. Express Yourself
21. Mom Brag
22. Second Chances
23. Feeling Myself
24. Do It Like That
25. We Need To Talk
26. Your Heart Is My Home
27. The Mighty Warrior
28. You Are Part Of Us Now
29. Snack Shack Attack
30. Dreamin' Awake
31. Friends Again?
32. Bleacher Creatures For Life
33. What It All Means
34. The Yuwen Show
35. You Are Not Funny
36. The Real Me
37. Paradise
38. Baseball Tango
39. The Joke Is On Me
40. New Pickle In Town
41. Fresh Start
42. Try Your Best
43. No Pressure
44. Quicksand
45. An Amazing Coach
46. I Believe In You
47. Go Pickles
48. For The Win
49. The Final Inning
50. You Are More Than Enough

House of the Dragon: Season 2 (Soundtrack from the HBO® Series)

1. Main Title (from “Game of Thrones”)
2. End a War Before It Begins
3. The Whisper Network
4. Blood and Cheese
5. A Son for a Son
6. Indulge in Darkness
7. Remembering Those Who Came Before
8. Patience and Restraint
9. Right to Grieve
10. Born Together
11. The Feeling of Betrayal
12. This Is Our Purpose
13. Strange Victory
14. Peace Will Be Restored
15. A Final Journey
16. I Do Not Know My Part
17. A Matter of Honor
18. Rook's Rest, Pt. 1
19. Rook's Rest, Pt. 2
20. A Sworn Protector
21. A Mad Thought
22. You Know What You Must Do
23. Our Hope for the Future
24. Bear the Burden Alone
25. Claim a Dragon
26. Stolen Inheritance
27. Born with Other Names
28. There Will Be No Mercy
29. The Triarchy
30. Fight for Our Queen
31. All Must Choose

Main Title Theme (from "House of the Dragon") [Green / Black Remix]

1. Main Title Theme (from "House of the Dra
2. Main Title Theme (from "House of the Dra

Fallout (Original Amazon Series Soundtrack)

1. Brotherhood of Steel (Full Version)
2. The Ghoul
3. Ice Cream and Apple Pie
4. Vault 33
5. Artifact
6. Shady Sands
7. Feo Fuerte y Formal
8. Rebuild Together
9. Surface Dweller Tradition
10. Golden Rule
11. Are You Compromised?
12. I Hate It Up Here
13. Bringing Order to the Wasteland
14. Management
15. Vault-Tec
16. Think About the Future
17. All the Answers
18. Run for the Hills
19. War Never Changes
20. Do the Right Thing
21. T-60

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 3 & 4 (Prime Video Original Series Soundtrack)

1. Main Title Theme
2. Matroska
3. Thicker Than Water
4. They Will Underestimate You
5. Running With Wolves
6. Aiming for Nymburk
7. Old Haunts
8. Going Rogue
9. Star on the Wall
10. What Matters Most
11. Friend of a Friend
12. Back to the Grind
13. One for the Bunny
14. Changing Tactics
15. Leverage
16. Wukong
17. Proof of Concept

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 2 (Music from the Prime Video Original Series)

1. Tertia Optio
2. Bonalde!
3. Strongman
4. Blue Gold
5. Palace Riot
6. I Went to Catia
7. Dressed to Kill
8. Prayer
9. Harry and Max
10. Persona Non Grata
11. How's Your Heart
12. President Reyes
13. Orinoco
14. Respectfully Declining

House of the Dragon: Season 1 (Soundtrack from the HBO® Series)

1. Main Title (From Game of Thrones: Season
2. The Heirs of the Dragon
3. Reign of the Targaryens
4. Rhaenyra's Welcome
5. A Pack of Hounds
6. The Tournament
7. An Impossible Choice
8. The Rogue Prince
9. The Prince That Was Promised (from "Hous
10. Compromise and Consequences
11. The Power of Prophecy
12. Trouble in the Stepstones
13. Surrender
14. King of the Narrow Sea
15. Lanterns at Nightfall
16. Whatever May Come
17. House Velaryon
18. The Green Dress
19. First Dance
20. Celebration Dance
21. Targaryen Dance
22. We Light the Way
23. Destiny
24. Pass Judgement
25. Funeral by the Sea
26. Daemon and Rhaenyra
27. Aemond Rides Vhagar
28. The Hard Truth
29. Sealed in Fire and Blood
30. Protector of the Realm (from "House of t
31. The Silent Sisters
32. The Language of Girls
33. A Warning
34. Lament
35. Fate of the Kingdoms
36. Interests of the Realm
37. Coronation
38. Dragons Will Rule the Kingdom
39. The Crown of Jaeharys
40. Dragons Do Not Fear Blood
41. Death and Rebirth
42. True Meaning of Loyalty
43. Bloodlines Will Burn
44. The Promise

House of the Dragon: Season 1, Episode 9 (Soundtrack from the HBO® Series)

1. Lament
2. Fate of the Kingdoms

Protector of the Realm (from "House of the Dragon")

1. Protector of the Realm (from "House of t

The Prince That Was Promised (from "House of the Dragon")

1. The Prince That Was Promised (from "Hous

Westworld: Season 4 (Soundtrack from the HBO® Series)

1. Main Title Theme - Westworld
2. Parasite
3. The Day the World Went Away
4. Bad Acid
5. Olympiad
6. Video Games - from "Westworld: Season 4"
7. Time to Transcend
8. Welcome to the Golden Age
9. Années Folles
10. Bad Guy - from "Westworld: Season 4"
11. Sweetwater Temperance
12. Enter Sandman - from "Westworld: Season
13. Outliers
14. Pink + White
15. The Tower
16. Hale's World
17. Do You Have an Appointment?
18. Knowledge
19. Winner Takes All
20. Perfect Day - from "Westworld: Season 4"
21. Wrong Exit
22. A Message
23. They Are After Your Hooch
24. What We Are
25. No More Waiting
26. Ancient Wisdom
27. Host City
28. Watch You Grow Up
29. Finish What We Started
30. Blue Dress
31. Pyramid Song
32. Set Ourselves Free
33. Sweetwater Reprise
34. Our World

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