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Albums et singles de Rage against the machine

Democratic National Convention 2000 (Live)

1. Bulls on Parade - Live at 2000 Democrati
2. Testify - Live at 2000 Democratic Nation
3. Guerrilla Radio - Live at 2000 Democrati
4. Sleep Now In the Fire - Live at 2000 Dem
5. Freedom - Live at 2000 Democratic Nation
6. Killing in the Name - Live at 2000 Democ

Live & Rare

1. Bullet In the Head - Live at Melkweg, Am
2. Settle For Nothing - Live at Melkweg, Am
3. Bombtrack - Live at 1st Avenue, Minneapo
4. Take The Power Back - Live in Vancouver,
5. Freedom - Live in Vancouver, B.C. - Apri
6. Intro (Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos)
7. Zapata's Blood - Live at Pink Pop, Hilve
8. Without A Face - Live at Pink Pop, Hilve
9. Hadda Be Playing On the Jukebox - Live a
10. Fuck tha Police - Live at the benefit co
11. Darkness - Demo 1991
12. Clear the Lane - Demo 1991

The Battle Of Mexico City (Live)

1. Testify - Live, Mexico City, Mexico, Oct
2. Guerrilla Radio - Live, Mexico City, Mex
3. People of the Sun - Live, Mexico City, M
4. Calm Like a Bomb - Live, Mexico City, Me
5. Sleep Now In the Fire - Live, Mexico Cit
6. Born of a Broken Man - Live, Mexico City
7. Bombtrack - Live, Mexico City, Mexico, O
8. Know Your Enemy - Live, Mexico City, Mex
9. No Shelter - Live, Mexico City, Mexico,
10. War Within a Breath - Live, Mexico City,
11. Bulls On Parade - Live, Mexico City, Mex
12. Killing In the Name - Live, Mexico City,
13. Zapata's Blood - Live, Mexico City, Mexi
14. Freedom - Live, Mexico City, Mexico, Oct
15. Township Rebellion - Live, Mexico City,

Universal City '93 (KROQ Broadcast)

1. Take The Power Back - Live
2. Testify - Live
3. Bomb Track - Live
4. The House Of Rage - Live

Live Broadcast - 17 June 1995 Irvine Meadows, Irvine CA

1. Tire Me (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)
2. Bullet In The Head (Live 1995 FM Broadca
3. Know Your Enemy (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)
4. Roll Right (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)
5. Bombtrack (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)
6. Revolver (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)
7. Year Of The Boomerang (Live 1995 FM Broa
8. Killing In The Name (Live 1995 FM Broadc
9. Freedom (Live 1995 FM Broadcast)

Denmark (Remastered, Live On Broadcasting)

1. Township Rebellion - Rhus Hallen, Denmar
2. Know Your Enemy - Rhus Hallen, Denmark,
3. Bullet In The Head - Rhus Hallen, Denmar
4. Bombtrack - Roskilde Festival, Denmark,
5. Bullet In The Head - Roskilde Festival,
6. Fist Full Of Steel - Roskilde Festival,
7. Killing In The Name - Roskilde Festival,
8. Wake Up - Cabaret Metro, Chicago, April
9. Darkness Of Greed - Cabaret Metro, Chica

Glastonbury Festival (Remastered, Live On Broadcasting)

1. Take The Power Back
2. Year Of The Boomerang
3. Bombtrack
4. Killing In The Name
5. Know Your Enemy
6. Producer
7. Bullet In The Head
8. Across The White Wall
9. Tire Me - From A Different Audio Source
10. Fistful Of Steel - Pinkpop Festival, 199
11. Freedom - Cabaret Metro, Chicago, April

Rage Against The Machine - Xx (20th Anniversary Special Edition)

1. Bombtrack
2. Killing In The Name
3. Take The Power Back
4. Settle For Nothing
5. Bullet In The Head
6. Know Your Enemy
7. Wake Up
8. Fistful Of Steel
9. Township Rebellion
10. Freedom
11. Bombtrack
12. Bullet In The Head
13. Take The Power Back
1. Bombtrack
2. Take The Power Back
3. Bullet In The Head
4. Darkness of Greed
5. Clear The Lane
6. Township Rebellion
7. Know Your Enemy
8. Mindset's A Threat
9. Killing In The Name
10. Autologic
11. The Narrows
12. Freedom

Rage Against The Machine - Xx (20th Anniversary Edition)

1. Bombtrack
2. Killing In The Name
3. Take The Power Back
4. Settle For Nothing
5. Bullet In The Head
6. Know Your Enemy
7. Wake Up
8. Fistful Of Steel
9. Township Rebellion
10. Freedom
11. Bombtrack
12. Bullet In The Head
13. Take The Power Back

Rage Against The Machine/evil Empire

1. Bombtrack
2. Killing In The Name
3. Take The Power Back
4. Settle For Nothing
5. Bullet In The Head
6. Know Your Enemy
7. Wake Up
8. Fistful Of Steel
9. Township Rebellion
10. Freedom
1. People Of The Sun
2. Bulls on Parade
3. Vietnow
4. Revolver
5. Snakecharmer
6. Tire Me
7. Down Rodeo
8. Without A Face
9. Wind Below
10. Roll Right
11. Year Of Tha Boomerang

Tribute A Rage Against The Machine...en Español

1. Freedom
2. Darkness Of Greed
3. People Of The Sun
4. Know Your Enemy
5. Down Rodeo
6. Guerilla Radio
7. Take The Power Back
8. Bullet In The Head
9. Tire Me
10. Killing In The Name Of
11. Sleep Now In The Fire

The Battle Of Los Angeles

1. Testify
2. Guerrilla Radio
3. Calm Like A Bomb
4. Mic Check
5. Sleep Now In The Fire
6. Born Of A Broken Man
7. Born As Ghosts
8. Maria
9. Voice Of The Voiceless
10. New Millennium Homes
11. Ashes In The Fall
12. War Within A Breath

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