Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Racebannon > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Racebannon


1. Watergun

Sweet & Sour

1. Sweet & Sour

Six Sik Sisters

1. Thee Plea
2. Thee Apology
3. Thee Interlude
4. Thee Brother
5. Thee Truth
6. Thee Solo
7. Thee Chalange
8. Thee Desperate
9. Thee End

Satan's Kickin Yr Dick In Pts. 1 & 2

1. Satan's Kickin Yr Dick In Pt. 1
2. Satan's Kickin Yr Dick In Pt. 2

Satan's Kickin' Yr Dick In

1. I.
2. II.
3. III. (Make Me An Instrument of Worship)
4. IV.
5. V.
6. VI.
7. VII.

In The Grips Of Light

1. Fox Boogie
2. Flip N' Fuck
3. Go With the Flow
4. Sober and Sad
5. Electricity
6. Clubber Lang
7. Fuck Yr Obvious Words
8. I'm Your Egomaniac (In The Grips of Ligh

First There Was The Emptiness

1. Disintegrator Integrator
2. Under the Influence of Gravity
3. Lingers In Her Lungs
4. Yr Test Scores Speak For Themselves
5. Maybe I'm Just Camera Shy
6. (Space of Time)
7. DNA Bloody DNA
8. I Wanna Rock and You Can't Stop It
9. Gone Team Gone (The Green Light Gunfight
10. The Redshift Z
11. Disintegrator Integrator (Live)
12. The Hipparcos Mission
13. Lingers In Her Lung (Live)

The Inevitable

1. The Killer
2. Heavy & Awkward
3. Death Valley '69
4. Grow Up & Die
5. What The Fuck Is A Chinese Downhill
6. Dokie
7. The Myth Of Monogamy
8. On A Cloud Of Green Smoke
9. Jeff Seet
10. Johnny Jet Blast Off
11. Funny, She Doesn't Look French
12. Oh, The Guilt
13. Jeus Was A... (Unreleased)
1. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
2. Austin Considine
3. Red Hot Ranger
4. Go Team Go Green Light Go
5. Twice Around Pluto
6. Picasso The Plecostomus
7. Marshmallows Neatly Folded
8. I'm On The Racing Team
9. That Rocketship Exploded
10. The Boy In The Bathtub
11. Maybe I'll Make It In Hollywood (Unrelea
12. Baby Gokuo Goes To Hell (Unreleased)
13. Por Favor, Mariachi, Por Favor (Demo)
14. I'm On The Racing Team (Demo)
15. Baby Gokuo Goes To Hell (Demo)
16. Marshmallows Neatly Folded (Demo)

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