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Albums et singles de Pixies

The Night the Zombies Came

1. Primrose
2. You're So Impatient
3. Jane (The Night the Zombies Came)
4. Chicken
5. Hypnotised
6. Johnny Good Man
7. Motoroller
8. I Hear You Mary
9. Oyster Beds
10. Mercy Me
11. Ernest Evans
12. Kings of the Prairie
13. The Vegas Suite


1. Motoroller
2. Oyster Beds
3. Chicken
4. You're So Impatient


1. Chicken
2. You're So Impatient

You're So Impatient

1. You’re So Impatient
2. Que Sera Sera

Pixies at the BBC, 1988-91

1. Levitate Me - John Peel Session (3rd May
2. Hey - John Peel Session (3rd May 1988)
3. In Heaven (Lady In The Radiator Song) -
4. Wild Honey Pie - John Peel Session (3rd
5. Caribou - John Peel Session (3rd May 198
6. Dead - John Peel Session (9th October 19
7. Tame - John Peel Session (9th October 19
8. There Goes My Gun - John Peel Session (9
9. Manta Ray - John Peel Session (9th Octob
10. Down To The Well - John Peel Session (16
11. Into the White - John Peel Session (16th
12. Wave Of Mutilation - John Peel Session (
13. Allison - John Peel Session (11th June 1
14. Velouria - John Peel Session (11th June
15. Hang on to Your Ego - John Peel Session
16. Is She Weird - John Peel Session (11th J
17. Monkey Gone to Heaven - Mark Goodier Ses
18. Ana - Mark Goodier Session (18th August
19. Allison - Mark Goodier Session (18th Aug
20. Wave Of Mutilation - Mark Goodier Sessio
21. Palace of the Brine - John Peel Session
22. Letter to Memphis - John Peel Session (2
23. Motorway to Roswell - John Peel Session
24. Subbacultcha - John Peel Session (23rd J


1. Nomatterday
2. Vault of Heaven
3. Dregs of the Wine
4. Haunted House
5. Get Simulated
6. The Lord Has Come Back Today
7. Thunder and Lightning
8. There's A Moon On
9. Pagan Man
10. Who's More Sorry Now?
11. You're Such A Sadducee
12. Doggerel

Dregs of the Wine

1. Dregs of the Wine
2. Vault of Heaven
3. There's A Moon On

Vault of Heaven

1. Vault of Heaven
2. There's A Moon On

There's A Moon On

1. There's A Moon On

Human Crime

1. Human Crime

Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh, NC. June 12th, 2005

1. Bone Machine - Live from Disco Rodeo, Ra
2. Cactus - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh,
3. U-Mass - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh,
4. Wave of Mutilation - Live from Disco Rod
5. Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Disco
6. Subbacultcha - Live from Disco Rodeo, Ra
7. Stormy Weather - Live from Disco Rodeo,
8. Something Against You - Live from Disco
9. River Euphrates - Live from Disco Rodeo,
10. Gigantic - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleig
11. Gouge Away - Live from Disco Rodeo, Rale
12. Dead - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh, N
13. Debaser - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh
14. Broken Face - Live from Disco Rodeo, Ral
15. Tame - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh, N
16. Hey - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh, NC
17. Number 13 Baby - Live from Disco Rodeo,
18. Caribou - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh
19. Planet of Sound - Live from Disco Rodeo,
20. Alec Eiffel - Live from Disco Rodeo, Ral
21. In Heaven - Live from Disco Rodeo, Ralei
22. Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from
23. Where Is My Mind? - Live from Disco Rode
24. The Holiday Song - Live from Disco Rodeo
25. Here Comes Your Man - Live from Disco Ro
26. Vamos - Live from Disco Rodeo, Raleigh,
27. Into the White - Live from Disco Rodeo,
28. La La Love You - Live from Disco Rodeo,

Live from Music Midtown, Atlanta, GA. June 11th, 2005

1. Wave of Mutilation - Live from Music Mid
2. Debaser - Live from Music Midtown, Atlan
3. Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Music
4. U-Mass - Live from Music Midtown, Atlant
5. Cactus - Live from Music Midtown, Atlant
6. Gigantic - Live from Music Midtown, Atla
7. Tame - Live from Music Midtown, Atlanta,
8. Broken Face - Live from Music Midtown, A
9. Head On - Live from Music Midtown, Atlan
10. Hey - Live from Music Midtown, Atlanta,
11. Gouge Away - Live from Music Midtown, At
12. Subbacultcha - Live from Music Midtown,
13. Dead - Live from Music Midtown, Atlanta,
14. Bone Machine - Live from Music Midtown,
15. Stormy Weather - Live from Music Midtown
16. Caribou - Live from Music Midtown, Atlan
17. I Bleed - Live from Music Midtown, Atlan
18. Into the White - Live from Music Midtown
19. La La Love You - Live from Music Midtown
20. Here Comes Your Man - Live from Music Mi
21. In Heaven - Live from Music Midtown, Atl
22. Nimrod's Son - Live from Music Midtown,
23. Vamos - Live from Music Midtown, Atlanta
24. Where Is My Mind? - Live from Music Midt
25. Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from

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