Accueil > Artistes > Hard Rock > Phil Lynott > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Phil lynott

Phil Lynott the Last Sessions

1. She Got Class - Studio
2. Father of My Son
3. Bad Boy Take One - Studio
4. Bad Boy Take 2 - Studio
5. Bad Boy Take 3
6. Bad Boy Take 4 - Studio
7. Bad Boy Take 5 - Studio

The Phil Lynott Story Audio Documentary

1. The Phil Lynott Story

The Philip Lynott Album

1. Fatalistic Attitude
2. The Man's A Fool
3. Old Town
4. Cathleen
5. Growing Up
6. Yellow Pearl
7. Together
8. Little Bit Of Water
9. Ode To Liberty (the Protest Song)
10. Gino
11. Don't Talk About Me Baby

Solo In Soho

1. Dear Miss Lonely Hearts
2. King's Call
3. A Child's Lullaby
4. Tattoo (giving It All Up For Love)
5. Solo In Soho
6. Girls
7. Yellow Pearl
8. Ode To A Black Man
9. Jamaican Rum
10. Talk In '79

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