Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Patti Smith > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Patti smith

CBGB New York 1979

1. Land: Horses / Land of a Thousand Dances
2. Redondo Beach - Live
3. Fire of Unknown Origin - Live
4. Kimberly - Live
5. Dancing Barefoot - Live
6. Space Monkey - Live
7. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
8. 25th Floor - Live
9. Cold Turkey - Live
10. For Your Love - Live
11. Revenge - Live
12. Frederick - Live
13. Seven Ways of Going - Live
14. Poppies - Live
15. All Along the Watchtower - Live
16. The Spider and the Fly - Live
17. So You Want to Be (A Rock 'n' Roll Star)
18. 5-4-3-2-1 - Live
19. Twist and Shout - Live
20. My Generation - Live

Live In Oregon 1978

1. Land - Live
2. Rock N Roll Nigger - Live
3. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
4. No Jestering - Live
5. Free Money - Live
6. Pissing In a River - Live
7. 25th Floor - Live
8. Pumping (My Heart) - Live
9. You Really Got Me - Live
10. Time Is On My Side - Live
11. Ghost Dance - Live
12. Because the Night - Live
13. Easter - Live
14. Radio Ethiopia - Live
15. Gloria - Live
16. Jailhouse Rock - Live
17. My Generation - Live
18. Kimberly - Live
19. Till Victory - Live
20. Redondo Beach - Live

World As Pure (Live)

1. Real Good Time Together - Live 1976
2. Privilege - Live 1976
3. Ain't It Strange - Live 1976
4. Kimberly - Live 1976
5. Redondo Beach - Live 1976
6. Free Money - Live 1976
7. Pale Blue Eyes - Live 1976
8. Pumping - Live 1976
9. Birdland - Live 1976
10. My Mafia - Live 1976
11. Land - Live 1976
12. Time Is On My Side - Live 1976
13. Gloria - Live 1976
14. My Generation - Live 1976

Live At the Bottom Line

1. My Mafia - Live, Solo
2. Nigger Book - Live
3. Sally - Live
4. Rape - Live
5. Lullaby (I Was Working Real Hard) - Live
6. We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Togeth
7. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
8. Ain't It Strange - Live
9. Space Monkey - Live
10. Redondo Beach - Live
11. Free Money - Live
12. Pale Blue Eyes - Live
13. Louie Louie - Live
14. Pumping (My Heart) - Live
15. My Mafia - Live, w/ Band
16. Birdland / Band Intros - Live
17. Land / Gloria - Live
18. Time Is On My Side - Live
19. My Generation / Dedication (Outro) - Liv

Live In Washington DC '76

1. We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Togeth
2. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
3. Ain't It Strange - Live
4. Kimberly - Live
5. Redondo Beach - Live
6. Bad Joke Banter - Live
7. Free Money - Live
8. Pale Blue Eyes / Louie Louie - Live
9. Pumping (My Heart) - Live
10. Birdland - Live
11. Gloria - Live
12. My Generation - Live
13. Spanish Town - Live
14. We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Togeth
15. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
16. Ain't It Strange - Live
17. Kimberly - Live
18. Redondo Beach - Live
19. Free Money - Live
20. Pale Blue Eyes / Louie Louie - Live
21. Pumping (My Heart) - Live
22. Jolene - Live
23. Monologue / Birdland - Live
24. Land / Horses / Land of a Thousand Dance
25. My Generation - Live
26. Interview (Sveriges Radio 1976) - Live

Live at the Bottom Line

1. My Mafia (Solo) - Live
2. Sally - Live
3. Rape - Live
4. Lullaby (I Was Working Real Hard) - Live
5. We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Togeth
6. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Live
7. Ain't It Strange - Live
8. Space Monkey - Live
9. Redondo Beach - Live
1. Free Money - Live
2. N****R Book - Live
3. Pale Blue Eyes - Live
4. Louie Louie - Live
5. Pumping My Heart - Live
6. My Mafia (W Band) - Live
7. Birdland - Band Intros - Live
8. Land - Gloria - Live
9. Time Is on My Side - Live
10. My Generation - Dedications (Outro) - Li

Live in Washington Dc 1976 (Live at the Cellar Door, Washington Dc January 16th 1976)

1. Real Good Time Together - Early Show [Li
2. Privilege - Set Me Free - Early Show [Li
3. Ain't It Strange - Early Show [Live]
4. Kimberly - Early Show [Live]
5. Redondo Beach - Early Show [Live]
6. Bad Joke Banter - Early Show [Live]
7. Free Money - Early Show [Live]
8. Pale Blue Eyes - Louie Louie - Early Sho
9. Pumping My Heart - Early Show [Live]
10. Birdland - Early Show [Live]
11. Gloria - Early Show [Live]
12. My Generation - Early Show [Live]
1. Spanish Town - Late Show [Live]
2. Real Good Time Together - Slavery - Late
3. Privilege (Set Me Free) - Late Show [Liv
4. Ain't It Strange - Late Show [Live]
5. Kimberly - Late Show [Live]
6. Redondo Beach - Late Show [Live]
7. Free Money - Late Show [Live]
8. Pale Blue Eyes - Louie Louie - Late Show
9. Pumping My Heart - Late Show [Live]
10. Jolene - Late Show [Live]
11. Monlogue - Birdland - Late Show [Live]
12. Land - Horses - Land of a Thousand Dance
13. My Generation - Late Show [Live]
14. Interview - Sveriges Radio 1976 - Live

Live At Electric Lady

1. April Fool - Recorded At Electric Lady S
2. Ghost Dance - Recorded At Electric Lady
3. Blame It On the Sun - Recorded At Electr
4. Broken Flag - Recorded At Electric Lady
5. Birdland - Recorded At Electric Lady Stu
6. One Too Many Mornings - Recorded At Elec
7. Peaceable Kingdom - Recorded At Electric

These Are The Words (From "Pope Francis: A Man of His Word")

1. These Are The Words - From "Pope Francis

Kimberly (Live)

1. The Salvation of Rock - Live
2. Kimberly - Live
3. Redondo Beach - Live
4. Space Monkey - Live
5. It's So Hard - Live
6. We Three - Live
7. You Light Up My Life - Live
8. Because the Night - Live
9. Gloria - Live

Easter (Live)

1. 25th Floor - Live
2. It's So Hard - Live
3. We Three - Live
4. You Light Up My Life - Live
5. Be My Baby - Live
6. Because the Night - Live
7. Easter - Live
8. Gloria - Live
9. My Generation - Live

The Best Of Patti Smith - The Place, Eugene, Oregon. May 4th And 9th 1978 - Live & Remastered

1. Land (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4 May ’7
2. Rock And Roll Nigger (The Place, Eugene,
3. Privilege (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4 M
4. No Jestering (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
5. Free Money (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4
6. Pissing In A River (The Place, Eugene, O
7. 25th Floor (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4
8. Pumping (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4 May
9. You Really Got Me (The Place, Eugene, Or
10. Time Is On My Side (The Place, Eugene, O
11. Ghost Dance (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4
12. Because The Night (The Place, Eugene, Or
13. Easter (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4 May
14. Radio Ethiopia (The Place, Eugene, Orego
15. Gloria (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 4 May
16. Jailhouse Rock (The Place, Eugene, Orego
17. My Generation (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
18. Kimberly (Civic Centre, Santa Monica, CA
19. Till Victory (Civic Centre, Santa Monica
20. Redondo Beach (Civic Centre, Santa Monic
21. The Salvation Of Rock (The Place, Eugene
22. Babelogue / Rock and Roll Nigger (The Pl
23. Kimberly (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9 Ma
24. Till Victory (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
25. Redondo Beach (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
26. The Kids Are Alright (The Place, Eugene,
27. Space Monkey (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
28. 25th Floor (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9
29. It's So Hard (The Place, Eugene, Oregon
30. We Three (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9 Ma
31. You Light Up My Life (The Place, Eugene,
32. Be My Baby (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9
33. Because The Night (The Place, Eugene, Or
34. Easter (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9 May
35. Radio Ethiopia (The Place, Eugene, Orego
36. Gloria (The Place, Eugene, Oregon 9 May
37. My Generation (The Place, Eugene, Oregon

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