Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Papier Tigre > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Papier tigre


1. I'm Someone Who Dies
2. Chimera
3. Home Truth
4. This and That and More of This and That
5. The Later Reply
6. Demand
7. Afternoons
8. Teenage Lifetime
9. Parents and Neighbours
10. Wandering Cage

The Beginning And End Of Now

1. Restless empire
2. Health and insurance
3. When will we get to meet the boss ?
4. Green around the gills
5. Office hours
6. Indoor islands
7. Scribble
8. A killer gets ready
9. Pricing
10. Some statues are easily destroyed with a

Papier Tigre

1. No Stars Or Clouds
2. Dance Dealer
3. The Frying Pan And The Fire
4. Concrete Residential
5. New Guns For Spent Bullets
6. End Of An Even Longers Story
7. Amusement Park
8. Writing On The Wall

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