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Albums et singles de Nine inch nails

Ghosts VI: Locusts

1. The Cursed Clock
2. Around Every Corner
3. The Worriment Waltz
4. Run Like Hell
5. When It Happens (Don't Mind Me)
6. Another Crashed Car
7. Temp Fix
8. Trust Fades
9. A Really Bad Night
10. Your New Normal
11. Just Breathe
12. Right Behind You
14. So Tired
15. Almost Dawn

Ghosts V: Together

1. Letting Go While Holding On
2. Together
4. With Faith
5. Apart
6. Your Touch
7. Hope We Can Again
8. Still Right Here

Bad Witch

1. Shit Mirror
2. Ahead of Ourselves
3. Play the Goddamned Part
4. God Break Down the Door
5. I'm Not from This World
6. Over and Out

God Break Down the Door

1. God Break Down the Door

Add Violence

1. Less Than
2. The Lovers
3. This Isn't the Place
4. Not Anymore
5. The Background World

Less Than

1. Less Than

Not The Actual Events

1. Branches / Bones
2. Dear World,
3. She’s Gone Away
4. The Idea of You
5. Burning Bright (Field on Fire)


1. Pinion
2. Wish
3. Last
4. Help Me I Am In Hell
5. Happiness In Slavery
6. Gave Up
7. Physical (You're So)
8. Suck

The Downward Spiral

1. Mr. Self Destruct
2. Piggy
3. Heresy
4. March Of The Pigs
5. Closer
6. Ruiner
7. The Becoming
8. I Do Not Want This
9. Big Man With A Gun
10. A Warm Place
11. Eraser
12. Reptile
13. The Downward Spiral
14. Hurt
1. Burn
2. Closer (Precursor)
3. Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
4. A Violet Fluid
5. Dead Souls
6. Hurt (Quiet)
7. Closer To God
8. All The Pigs, All Lined Up
9. Memorabilia
10. The Downward Spiral (The Bottom)
11. Ruiner
12. Liar
13. Heresy


1. Something I Can Never Have
2. Adrift & At Peace
3. The Fragile
4. The Becoming
5. Gone, Still
6. The Day The World Went Away
7. And All That Could Have Been
8. The Persistence Of Loss
9. Leaving Hope

Hesitation Marks

1. The Eater Of Dreams
2. Copy Of A
3. Came Back Haunted
4. Find My Way
5. All Time Low
6. Disappointed
7. Everything
8. Satellite
9. Various Methods Of Escape
10. Running
11. I Would For You
12. In Two
13. While I'm Still Here
14. Black Noise

Hesitation Marks + 3 Titres Bonus

1. The Eater Of Dreams
2. Copy Of A
3. Came Back Haunted
4. Find My Way
5. All Time Low
6. Disappointed
7. Everything
8. Satellite
9. Various Methods Of Escape
10. Running
11. I Would For You
12. In Two
13. While I'm Still Here
14. Black Noise
15. Find My Way
16. All Time Low
17. While I'm Still Here

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