Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Jupiter Rising > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Jupiter rising

Electropop Remix Ep

1. Electropop (Rod Carrillo Radio Mix)
2. Electropop (Rod Carrillo Smooth Club Mix
3. Electropop (Rod Carrillo Funk Yo' Head D
4. Electropop (Lenny B Radio Mix)
5. Electropop (Lenny B Club Mix)


1. Electropop
2. Go! (Album)
3. Liv The Day (Album)
4. Hero (Album)
5. The Bus (Album)
6. Home (Album)
7. Wicked (Album)
8. Frenz (Album)
9. They Say (Album)
10. Foolish (Album)
11. Wish (Album)

Go! The Remixes

1. Eddie Arroyo Reggaeton Mix
2. Dave Aude Radio Mix
3. Dave Aude Deep Space Mixshow Mix
4. Dave Aude Deep Space Club Mix
5. Friscia & Lamboy Tribal Vox Mix
6. Friscia & Lamboy Electro Mix

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