Accueil > Artistes > R'n'B International > Joe Public > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Joe public


1. Have to Fight (Demo)
2. Letters in My Desk (Demo)
3. Wild Boys (Demo)
4. Time Please (Demo)
5. My Eyes (Demo)
6. Letters in My Desk (Demo)

Live At The Avon Gorge, University Union Bristol 1978

1. Hermans Back (Live)
2. Like It (Live)
3. Stilleto (Live)
4. The Passenger (Live)
5. 007 / I Don't Want to Fall in Love Again
6. Expectations (Live)
7. The Hype (Live)
8. It's a Shame (Live)

Completely Perfect

1. Falling for You
2. Long Time
3. If I Was You
4. Please Can You Tell Me
5. Shake
6. New Generation
7. By Your Love (Version 1)
8. That's What I Want
9. 1970s Boy
10. She's All Mine
11. I Do
12. Can't Stop Moving
13. All By Myself
14. By Your Love (Version 2)
1. 1970s Boy (Single Version)
2. By Your Love (Single Version)
3. Win or Lose
4. Ain't Done Wrong
5. Anti CND (as Joe Public)
6. Champagne Charlie (as Joe Public)
7. Big Boss Man
8. By Your Love
9. If I Was You
10. Give Your Loving to Me
11. It Hurts Me Too
12. Perfect World
13. 10th Floor
14. First Cut is the Deepest
15. On the Streets Again
16. I Fought the Law
17. Promises

Live And Learn

1. Live And Learn
2. Do You Everynite
4. I've Been Watchin'
5. Your Love Is On
6. I Miss You
7. This One's For You
9. Rumors
10. What Goes Around
3. Easy Come, Easy Go
8. This Time

Herman's Back

1. Herman's Back
2. Travelling With Raymond
3. Like It

The Bristol Recorder - First Edition

1. Continental Shelf
2. Dumb Words
3. Le Camping
4. Magic Surfaces
5. Friends Will
6. Squares Of The City
7. Living Lies
8. Unlucky In Love
9. Upmarkette
10. Questionairre ?
11. Other People's Parties
12. Yellow Runs Forever
13. Time, Please
14. Part-Time Boy

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