Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Jawbox > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Jawbox

Jackpot Plus! / Motorist

1. Motorist
2. Jackpot Plus!


1. Cutoff
2. Tracking
3. Dreamless
4. Channel 3
5. Spiral Fix
6. Linkwork
7. Chump
8. Static
9. Spit-Bite
10. Send Down
11. Tongues
12. Ones & Zeroes


1. Freezerburn
2. Impossible Figure
3. Tools and Chrome
4. Paint Out the Light
5. Consolation Prize
6. Grip
7. Ballast
8. Green-Line Delayed
9. Bullet Park
10. Manatee Bound
11. Footbinder
12. Tools & Chrome
13. Secret History
14. Ballast
15. Twister

For Your Own Special Sweetheart

1. FF=66
2. Savory
3. Breathe
4. Motorist
6. Cooling Card
7. Green Glass
8. Cruel Swing
9. Jackpot Plus!
10. Chicago Piano
11. Reel
12. U-Trau
13. Whitney Walks


1. Mirrorful
2. Livid
3. Iodine
4. His Only Trade
5. Chinese Fork Tie
6. Won't Come Off
7. Excandescent
8. Spoiler
9. Desert Sea
10. Empire Of One
11. Mule / Stall
12. Nickel Nickel Millionaire
13. Capillary Life
14. Absenter

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