Accueil > Artistes > Idealism > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Idealism

a moment in time

1. a moment in time

Still Life

1. Still Life

Sit In Silence

1. Still Life
2. Keep A Place For Me
3. It's All You Know
4. Drift
5. And Then I Woke Up
6. Tired
7. Hold On
8. Since July
9. Who Would've Thought
10. Hibi No Awa

Both of Us

1. Both of Us

Somehow / Remember Me

1. Somehow
2. Remember Me

Distant, Quiet, Waters (Inspired by 'The Outlaw Ocean' a book by Ian Urbina)

1. Only Forward
2. Distant
3. Only Us
4. Blue Skies, Blue Seas

Distant, Quiet Waters (Inspired by 'The Outlaw Ocean' a Book by Ian Urbina)

1. Only Forward
2. Distant
3. Only Us
4. Blue Skies, Blue Seas


1. Unthinkable

Forever in My Mind

1. Forever in My Mind

And Then I Woke Up

1. And Then I Woke Up

Far Apart

1. Far Apart


1. Tasogare

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