Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Get Back Guinozzi > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Get back guinozzi

Carpet Madness

1. Where Are You?
2. Personal Lodger
3. Low Files Tropical
4. Go Back to School
5. Carpet Madness
6. I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
7. L.A.
8. Police and Thieves
9. Baby Baby
10. Jungely
11. Sick
12. King's Song

Carpet Madness

1. Carpet Madness
2. Out of the Loop

Low Files Tropical

1. Low Files Tropical
2. Police And Thieves

Carpet Madness

1. Carpet Madness
2. Out Of The Loop

Carpet Madness

1. Carpet Madness
2. Out Of The Loop

Carpet Madness

1. Where Are You?
2. Personal Lodger
3. Low Files Tropical
4. Go Back To School
5. Carpet Madness
6. I Don’t Want To Sleep Alone
7. L.A.
8. Police And Thieves
9. Baby Baby
10. Jungely
11. Sick
12. King’s Song

Carpet Madness

1. Where Are You?
2. Personal Lodger
3. Low Files Tropical
4. Go Back To School
5. Carpet Madness
6. I Don’t Want To Sleep Alone
7. L.A.
8. Police And Thieves
9. Baby Baby
10. Jungely
11. Sick
12. King’s Song

Low Files Tropical

1. Low Files Tropical
2. Police and Thieves

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