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Albums et singles de Front 242

Moments in Budapest - Live

1. Happiness - Live 2008
2. Religion - Live 2008
3. Take One - Live 2008
4. Moldavia - Live 2008
5. Funkahdafi - Live 2008
6. Together - Live 2008
7. Welcome to Paradise - Live 2008
8. Commando Mix - Live 2008
9. Loud - Live 2008
10. Don't Crash - Live 2008
11. No Shuffle - Live 2008
12. Masterhit - Live 2008
13. Triple X Girlfriend - Live 2008
14. Lovely Day - Live 2008
15. Im Rhythmus Bleiben - Live 2008
16. Headhunter - Live 2008
17. Circling Overland - Live 2008
18. Punish Your Machine - Live 2008

Politics of Pressure (Remastered)

1. Don't Crash - Remastered
2. Funkahdafi - Remastered
3. Kommando (Remix) - Remastered
4. No Shuffle V2 - Remastered

No Comment (Remastered)

1. Commando Mix - Remastered
2. Deceit - Remastered
3. Lovely Day - Remastered
4. No Shuffle - Remastered
5. Special Forces - Remastered
6. S.Fr. Nomenklatura (1&2) - Remastered


1. Seq666 p
2. Seq666 u
3. Seq666 l
4. Seq666 s
5. Seq666 e
6. Together
7. Triple X Girlfriend
8. No More No More
9. Beyond the Scale of Comprehension
10. Song Untitled
11. Song Starcandy
12. One - With The Fire
13. One Reverse
14. Matrix Openstatic
15. Matrix Megahertz
16. Never Lost Faust
17. Never Lost Riley
18. 7rain Filter
19. Pan dhe
20. Pan mihk

Moments... - Limited Edition

1. Happiness
2. Body to Body
3. U-Men
4. Lovely Day
5. Religion
6. Welcome to Paradise
7. Commando Remix
8. Funkhadafi
9. 7 Rain
10. Until Death
11. Moldavia
12. Together
13. In Rhythmus Bleiben
14. Head Hunter
15. Operating Tracks
16. Punish Your Machine
1. First In First Out
2. No Shuffle
3. Don't Crash
4. Welcome to Paradise
5. Commando (Remix)
6. Quite Unusual
7. Master Hit
8. Crapage
9. Melt
10. Gripped By Fear
11. Loud
12. Moldavia
13. Take One
14. Head Hunter
15. Kampfbereit
16. Punish Your Machine

Moments 1

1. Happiness
2. Body to Body
3. Religion
4. Welcome to Paradise
5. Commando Mix
6. Lovely Day
7. Until Death
8. Moldavia
9. Funkahdafi
10. 7 Rain
11. Loud
12. Together
13. U-Men
14. Take One
15. Im Rhythmus Bleiben
16. Head Hunter
17. Kampfbereit
18. Punish Your Machine

Re:boot (+ Bonus Tracks)

1. Happiness
2. Masterhit
3. Moldavia
4. Melt
5. Soul Manager
6. No Shuffle
7. In Rhythmus Bleiben
8. Crapage
9. Body To Body
10. Religion
11. Headhunter
12. Welcome To Paradise
13. First In First Out
14. Punish Your Machine (Bonus Track)
15. Motion (Bonus Track)


1. Seq666
2. Seq666
3. Seq666
4. Seq666
5. Seq666
6. Together
7. Triple X Girlfriend
8. No More No More
9. Beyond The Scale Of Comprehension
10. Song Untitled
11. Song Starcandy
12. One - With The Fire
13. One
14. Matrix
15. Matrix
16. Never Lost
17. Never Lost
18. 7rain
19. Pan
20. Pan

Geography (2004)

1. Operating Tracks
2. With Your Cries
3. Art And Strategy
4. Geography II
5. U-Men
6. Dialogues
7. Least Inkling
9. Geography I
10. Black White Blue
11. Kinetics
12. Kampfbereit
13. He Runs Too Fast For Us / Ethics / Princ

Still & Raw

1. 7Rain
2. Loud
3. Strobe
4. Collision
5. 7Rain
6. Strobe


1. Rhythm Of Time (messengers Of Neptune Mi
2. Happiness (dub Mix By Underworld)
3. Gripped By Fear (bunkerclub Mix By Rico
4. Mixed By Fear
5. Crapage (the Float Or Sink Mix)
6. Junkdrome
7. Religion (bass Under Siege Mix By The Pr
8. Happiness (dance Mix By Underworld)
9. Break Me (female)
10. Rhythm Of Time (victor The Cleaner Mix B
11. Dancesoundtrackmusic (d.s.m)
12. Religion (trance U Down Mix By The Prodi

Live Code 5413356424225

1. Der Verfluchte Engel (live)
2. Motion (live)
3. Masterhit (live)
4. Flag (live)
5. Tragedy >for You< (live)
6. Im Rhythmus Bleiben (live)
7. Skin (live)
8. Headhunter (live)
9. Welcome To Paradise (live)
10. Crapage (live)
11. Soul Manager (live)
12. Punish Your Machine (live)
13. Religion (live)

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