Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Eugenius > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Eugenius

Creatures of habit , habits of creatures

1. 01 Feral
2. 02 The faintest light
3. 03 Reanimate
4. 04 Purgatory
5. 05 Niche
6. 06 Painted blood
7. 07 Past lives
8. 08 Lurker
9. 09 Green mile
10. 10 Hold my breath
11. 11 Fake
12. 12 Prey
13. 13 It feeds at night
14. 14 Phantom skin
15. 15 Capable
16. 16 nervous ( creature of habit )
17. 17 The recidivist ( habits of creature )

Mary Queen Of Scotts

1. Pebble Shoe
2. On The Breeze
3. Blue Above The Rooftops
4. The Moon's A Balloon
5. Mary Queen Of Scots
6. Easter Bunny
7. Let's Hibernate
8. Friendly High
9. River Clyde Song
10. Tongue Rock
11. Home Sick
12. Fake Digit
13. Love Bread & Beers

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