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Albums et singles de Ernie halter

Catbird Soul

1. You're Mine
2. Make Plans
3. Beautiful Light
4. Everything's Right
5. She Don't Believe in Love
6. This Love Was Meant to Happen
7. When You Had the Chance
8. Daddy's Little Girl
9. Say So
10. Bring It on Home

Can't Stop the Feeling!

1. Can't Stop the Feeling!

Daddy's Little Girl (Live)

1. Daddy's Little Girl (Live)

Hi Fidelity

1. Blue Dress
2. Shower The People
3. Can't Help Falling In Love
4. Blackbird
5. In July
6. Love Look At Me Now
7. This Beautiful Ache
8. Love In LA
9. My Heart Is With You
10. Almost You

Franklin & Vermont

1. Hard To Let A Good Love Go (Album)
2. Angel (Album)
3. Gone (Album)
4. Almost You (Album)
5. Meant To Be (Album)
6. Black Coffee In Bed (Album)
7. Come Home To Me (Album)
8. Yes I Am (Album)
9. In My Place (Album)
10. We Got Love (Album)
11. This Beautiful Ache (Album)


1. Something's Come Over Me (Live)
2. Blue Dress (Live)
3. Count The Days (Live)
4. Whisper (Live)
5. Yes I Am (Live)
6. Different Lives (Live)
7. Love In LA (Live)
8. Lighthouse (Live)
9. Better (Live)
10. Lisa (Live)
11. Melissa (Live)

Starting Over

1. Different Lives (Album)
2. Try (Album)
3. Blue Dress (Album)
4. Count The Days (Album)
5. My Heart Is With You (Album)
6. Pretty Girl (Album)
7. Just Friends (Album)
8. Crazy Love (Album)
9. Cyclone (Album)
10. Played (Album)
11. Lighthouse (Album)

Congress Hotel

1. One You Need
2. Love, Look At Me Now
3. Melissa
4. Lisa
5. Moving Along
6. Whisper
7. Into This Life
8. And So It Goes
9. Love In L.A.
10. Something's Come Over Me
11. Better
12. When The Lights Go Down

Congress Hotel

1. One You Need (Album)
2. Love Look At Me Now (Album)
3. Melissa (Album)
4. Lisa (Album)
5. Moving Along (Album)
6. Whisper (Album)
7. Into This Life (Album)
8. And So It Goes (Album)
9. Love In L.A. (Album)
10. Something's Come Over Me (Album)
11. Better (Album)
12. When The Lights Go Down (Album)

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