Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Eric Bachmann > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Eric bachmann

No Recover

1. Jaded Lover, Shady Drifter
2. Daylight
3. Murmuration Song
4. Boom and Shake
5. Yonah
6. No Recover
7. Waylaid
8. Wild Azalea
9. Dead and Gone

Jaded Lover, Shady Drifter

1. Jaded Lover, Shady Drifter

Eric Bachmann

1. Belong to You
2. Mercy
3. Masters of the Deal
4. Modern Drugs
5. Dreaming
6. Separation Fright
7. Small Talk
8. Carolina
9. The Old Temptation


1. Carolina


1. Mercy

To The Races

1. Man O'War
2. Home
3. Carrboro Woman
4. Genivieve
5. Genie Genie
6. Lonesome Warrior
7. To The Races
8. Liars and Thieves
9. Little Bird
10. So Long, Savannah

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