Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Electric Frankenstein > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Electric frankenstein

How to Make a Monster (20th Anniversary Edition)

1. I Was a Modern Prometheus - Remastered
2. Cut from the Inside - Remastered
3. Speed Girl - Remastered
4. Use Me - Remastered
5. Friction - Remastered
6. Feel the Burn (Chronic) - Remastered
7. My World - Remastered
8. Don't Know How to Stop You - Remastered
9. Up from the Streets - Remastered
10. Pretty Deadly - Remastered
11. Something for the Pain - Remastered
12. I'm Not Your (Nothing) - Remastered
13. Phatty Boom Batty - Remastered

The Buzz Of A Thousand Volts

1. The Mess
2. Dead-On Beauty
3. Resurrection City
4. Prey for Me
5. Ny Knights
6. Dead By Dawn
7. Super Sonic Nation
8. Bite Down On Me
9. Death Dealer
10. Can't Let Go
11. Finished From the Start
12. American Lies
13. Cocaine Blues

How To Make A Monster

1. I Was a Modern Prometheus
2. Cut From the Inside
3. Speed Girl
4. Use Me
5. Friction
6. Feel the Burn (Chronic)
7. My World
8. Don't Know How to Stop You
9. Up From the Streets
10. Pretty Deadly
11. Something for the Pain
12. I'm Not You Nothing
13. Phatty Boom Batty

I'm Not Your (nothing)

1. I Am Not Your (Nothing)
2. I Was a Punk Before You Were a Punk
3. Right On Target

A Tribute To The Groovie Ghoulies - When The Kids Go Go Go Crazy

1. The King Kong Stomp
2. Unsolved Mystery
3. Herr Autobahn
4. The Spell Is On
5. Jetpack
6. Bye Bye Brain
7. I´d Rather Be Alone
8. Have Your Way With Me
9. Faisán Al Horno
10. Tunnel Of Love
11. Chupacabra
12. I Wanna Be A Groovie Ghoulie
13. School Is In
14. Doin' Fine
15. Dolemite
16. Graceland
17. Let´s Do It Again
18. Are You Passionate?
19. Fun In The Dark
20. (Shes My) Vampire Girl
21. When The Kids Go Go Go Crazy
22. Bis Der Tod Uns Scheidet
23. Freaks On Parade
24. Graveyard Girlfriend
25. Sleeping Beauty
26. Ivy Says
27. Chip Cerebral
28. Zombie Crush
29. Let´s Go To The Moon
30. Ghoulies Are Go!
31. Deviltown

Electric Frankenstein Meets El Nada

1. Leave It At That
2. Make No Mistake
3. Something Weird
4. 502 Blues
5. Not the Same
6. Where I'm Going
7. Hate Me
8. N.Y. Knights

Sod The Odds!

1. Shut Your Hole
2. Let's Sin
3. Rock 'N' Roll Is Dead
4. Runnin' With The Boss Sound
5. Porno Girl
6. Monster Boots
7. Welcome To My Town
8. Bad Reputation

Live, Loud And Angry

1. It's All Moving Faster
2. Superstar
3. Blackout
4. Action High
5. Rocket In My Veins
6. Right Now
7. Time Is Now
8. Right On Target
9. Neurotic Pleasures
10. Get Off My Back
11. Demolition Derby
12. You're So Fake
13. Devil Dust
14. Teenage Shutdown
15. E. F. Theme
1. All Moving Faster (From 'Recharged From
2. Action High (From 'Recharged From The Va
3. Demolition Derby (From 'Recharged From T
4. Devil Dust (From 'Recharged From The Vau
5. Right Now (From 'Recharged From The Vaul
6. Rocket In My Veins (From 'Recharged From
7. Neurotic Pleasures (From 'Recharged From
8. Listen Up Baby (From 'Recharged From The
9. E.F. Theme (From 'Recharged From The Vau
10. Time Is Now (From 'Recharged From The Va
11. Get Off My Back (From 'Recharged From Th
12. Deal With It (From 'Recharged From The V
13. Teenage Shutdown (From 'Recharged From T

Dead And Back

1. Sweet Baby Arrogance
2. Rip It Apart
3. Good For Nothing
4. Not this Time
5. Leave It at That
6. Make No Mistake
7. Something Weird
8. Super Kool
9. My Distraction
10. Tear It Down
11. Who's Watching You
12. Injected

The Time Is Now

1. Teenage Shutdown
2. The Time Is Now
3. Superstar
4. Right On Target
5. I Want More
6. Demolition Joyride
7. E.F. Theme
8. Fast & Furious
9. Rise And Crash
10. We Are The Dangerous
11. Too Much For You
12. A Sweet Sickness

Conquers The World

1. It's All Moving Faster
2. Electrify Me
3. Just Like Your Mom
4. New Rage
5. Deal With It
6. Monster Demolisher
7. Face at the Edge of the Crowd
8. Home of the Brave
9. Get Off My Back
10. Coolest Little Monster

Sick Songs

1. Action High
2. I'll be standing (on my own)
3. Not with U
4. Pure and Simple
5. Born Wild
6. I wish I could
7. Learn to burn
8. Back at you
9. Clock-wise
10. Out there (F-Word)

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