Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > Demiurg > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Demiurg

The Hate Chamber

1. Resurrecting The Rotting (Flesh Festival
2. Cremated Lies The Day
3. The Terror Before Sleep
4. Wolves At The Gates
5. The Apocalyptic
6. World Destroyer
7. The Convulse Meridian
8. Dawn Dusk Delusion
9. Opus Morbidity (City Of Ib pt.III)
10. Cult Of Dagon

Breath Of The Demiurg

1. The dreams without end
2. Flesh Festival
3. City of lb
4. Monolithany
5. The Prinitive Machinery
6. Orbiting a Dead Sun
7. Scorn Empire
8. Monolithany pt. II
9. The Doom That Came To..
10. Sarnath (city of ln pt. II)

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