Accueil > Artistes > Musiques d'Europe > Clannad > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Clannad

A Celtic Dream

1. A Celtic Dream


1. Hourglass
2. Theme from Harry's Game - 2003 - Remaste

Turas (Live, 1980 Bremen)

1. Turas O'Carolan - Live, 1980 Bremen
2. An Crúiscín Lán / Cuach Mo Lon Dubh Buí
3. An Buinneán Buí - Live, 1980 Bremen
4. Máire Bhruinneall - Live, 1980 Bremen
5. An tOileán Úr - Live, 1980 Bremen
6. Crann Úll - Live, 1980 Bremen
7. Gathering Mushrooms - Live, 1980 Bremen
8. Paddy's Rambles Through the Fields / Tom
9. Rince Philib a Cheoil - Live, 1980 Breme
10. Ar A Ghabháil'N A Chuan Domh / An Ghiobó
11. Siúil A Rún - Live, 1980 Bremen
12. Valparaiso - Live, 1980 Bremen
13. Ó Bhean A'Tí - Live, 1980 Bremen
14. Hornpipes: the Fairies Hornpipe / Off to
15. Down by the Salley Gardens - Live, 1980
16. The Old Couple - Live, 1980 Bremen
17. Dúlamán - Live, 1980 Bremen
18. Teidhir Abhaile Riú - Live, 1980 Bremen
19. Two Sisters - Live, 1980 Bremen
20. Níl Sé'N Lá - Live, 1980 Bremen

Masters Of Their Craft

1. The Storm
2. Ripples In The Rockpools
3. Smeceno Horo
4. The Rossclogher Jigs
5. Dia Do Bheathasa
6. An Droichead (The Bridge)
7. The Good Ship Kangaroo
8. Daire's Dream
9. An tUll
10. The Craic Was Ninety In The Isle Of Man
11. Muineira De Poio / Muineira De Ourense
12. Amiens
13. Mhorag's Na Horo Gheallaidh
14. Atlantic Bridge
15. Beautiful Affair
16. Black Is The Colour Of My True Love's Ha
17. Jack Palance's Reel
18. May We Never Have To Say Goodbye

The Essential Clannad

1. I Will Find You (Theme From "The Last Of
2. In A Lifetime
3. You're The One
4. Something To Believe In
5. Robin (The Hooded Man)
6. Almost Seems (Too Late To Turn)
7. Broken Pieces
8. Closer To Your Heart
9. Why Worry?
10. Mystery Game
11. A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)
12. The Hunter
13. White Fool
14. There For You
15. Let Me See
1. Ri Na Cruinne
2. Theme From Harry's Game
3. Caislean Óir
4. Newgrange
5. Buachaill an Éirne
6. Fado
7. Anam
8. Coinleach Glas An Fhómhair
9. Na Laethe Bhí
10. Of This Land
11. Tá' Mé Mo Shuí
12. Poison Glen
13. Uirchill An Chreagain
14. The Bridge Of Tears
15. Banba Oir


1. Robin (The Hooded Man)
2. Theme From Harry's Game
3. In A Lifetime
4. Almost Seems (Too Late To Turn)
5. A Mhuirnin O
6. Buachaill an Éirne
7. Something To Believe In
8. Closer To Your Heart
9. Why Worry?
10. A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)
11. Coinleach Glas An Fhómhair
12. Caislean Óir
13. Ancient Forest
14. Now Is Here
15. Newgrange

Original Album Classics

1. Theme From Harry's Game
2. Tower Hill
3. Seachrán Charn tSiail
4. Passing Time
5. Coinleach Glas An Fhómhair
6. I See Red
7. Tá' Mé Mo Shuí
8. Newgrange
9. The Fairy Queen
10. Thíos Fá'n Chósta
11. Coinleach Glas an Fhomhair
1. Caislean Óir
2. The Wild Cry
3. Closer To Your Heart
4. In A Lifetime
5. Almost Seems (Too Late To Turn)
6. Indoor
7. Buachaill an Éirne
8. Blackstairs
9. Journey's End
10. Northern Skyline
11. Caislean Oir
1. In Search Of A Heart
2. Second Nature
3. Turning Tide
4. Skellig
5. Stepping Stone
6. White Fool
7. Something To Believe In
8. Live And Learn
9. Many Roads
10. Sirius
11. The Hunter
12. World Of Difference

Clannad 2

1. An Gabhar Bán
2. Eleanor Plunkett
3. Coinleach Ghlas an Fhómhair
4. Rince Philib a'Cheoil
5. By Chance It Was
6. Rince Briotánach
7. Dhéanainn Súgradh
8. Gaoth Barra na dTonn
9. Teidhir Abhaile Riú
10. Fairly Shot of Her
11. Chuaigh mé 'na Rosann


1. Dúlamán
2. Cumha Eoghain Rua Uí Néill (Lament For O
3. Two Sisters
4. Éirigh Suas A Stóirín (Rise Up My Love)
5. The Galtee Hunt
6. Éirigh Is Cuir Ort Do Chuid Éadaigh (Ari
7. Siúil A Rún (Irish Love Song)
8. Mo Mháire
9. dTigeas A Damhsa (Children's Dance Song)
10. Cucanandy/The Jug Of Brown Ale


1. Nil Se Ina La
2. Thios Chois Na Tra Domh
3. Brian Boru's March
4. Siobhan Ni Dhuibhir
5. An Mhaighdean Mara
6. Liza
7. An Toilean Ur
8. Mrs McDermott
9. Pretty Maid
10. An Phairc
11. Harvest Home
12. Morning Dew

Discover Clannad

1. Theme From Harry's Game
2. I Will Find You (Theme From "The Last Of
3. Ancient Forest
4. Scarlet Inside
5. A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)

Celtic Themes - The Very Best Of

1. Theme From Harry's Game
2. I Will Find You (Theme From "The Last Of
3. Robin (The Hooded Man)
4. In A Lifetime
5. Caislean air
6. Something To Believe In
7. A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)
8. Mystery Game
9. Almost Seems (Too Late To Turn)
10. Closer To Your Heart
11. Newgrange
12. Ri Na Cruinne
13. The Hunter
14. Together We
15. Seanchas
16. Coinleach Glas An Fhómhair
17. A Mhuirnin O
18. Saltwater

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