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Albums et singles de Bruce springsteen

The Live Series: Songs Under Cover Vol. 3

1. Sha-La-La - Live at Post Dome, NY - 12/1
2. High School Confidential - Live at Capit
3. Follow That Dream - Live at Wembley Aren
4. Jole Blon - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena,
5. Street Fighting Man - Live at Brendan By
6. For Your Love - Live at Madison Square G
7. Trapped - Live at Boston Garden, Boston,
8. Tom Joad - Live at EJ Thomas Performing
9. Long Black Veil - Live at Palalottomatic
10. Hard Times Come Again No More - Live at
11. Don't Change - Live at Allphones Arena,
12. Just Like Fire Would - Live at Brisbane
13. Jersey Girl - Live at MetLife Stadium, E
14. Rainy Night in SoHo - Live at Croke Park
15. Ghostbusters - Live at Centre Bell, Mont

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Road Diary

1. No Surrender - Live at Amalie Arena, Tam
2. Ghosts - Live at Amalie Arena, Tampa, FL
3. Prove It All Night - Live at Capital One
4. Letter To You - Live at State Farm Arena
5. The Promised Land - Live at Parco Urbano
6. Kitty's Back - Live at Parco Urbano G. B
7. Don't Play That Song - Live at Amway Cen
8. Nightshift - Live at T-Mobile Center, Ka
9. Mary's Place - Live at Prudential Center
10. Introduction to Last Man Standing - Live
11. Last Man Standing - Live at Estadi Olimp
12. Backstreets - Live at BST Hyde Park, Lon
13. Fire - Live at Kia Forum, Inglewood, CA
14. Burnin' Train - Live at Amalie Arena, Ta
15. My Love Will Not Let You Down - Live at
16. The Rising - Live at Parco Urbano G. Bas
17. Badlands - Live at Parco Urbano G. Bassa
18. Born in the U.S.A. - Live at Parco Urban
19. Glory Days - Live at Circo Massimo, Rome
20. Bobby Jean - Live at Estadi Olimpic Llui
21. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Live at Pr
22. Dancing In the Dark - Live at Estadi Oli
23. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out - Live at Pruden
24. I'll See You In My Dreams - Live at Parc

The Live Series: Songs Of Conscience

1. This Land is Your Land - Live at Brendan
2. The Promised Land - Live at Brendan Byrn
3. Born in the U.S.A. - Live at Joe Louis A
4. 57 Channels (And Nothin' On) - Live at t
5. Souls of the Departed - Live at Boston G
6. Seeds - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena, E.
7. Long Walk Home - Live at Conseco Fieldho
8. The Rising - Live at Greensboro Coliseum
9. Into the Fire - Live at MetLife Stadium,
10. The Ghost of Tom Joad - Live at Nationwi
11. Sun City - Live at Bellville Velodrome,
12. American Skin (41 Shots) - Live at Moheg
13. Youngstown - Live at Quicken Loans Arena
14. If I Was The Priest - Live at Bok Center
15. Last Man Standing - Live at MetLife Stad

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - The Reunion Tour '99

1. I Wanna Be With You - Live at Continenta
2. The Ties That Bind - Live at Staples Cen
3. Prove It All Night - Live at First Union
4. Two Hearts - Live at First Union Center,
5. Atlantic City - Live at United Center, C
6. Take 'Em as They Come - Live at United C
7. The Promised Land - Live at Continental
8. Streets of Philadelphia - Live at First
9. Backstreets - Live at Continental Airlin
10. Murder Incorporated - Live at Continenta
11. Badlands - Live at Staples Center, Los A
12. Darlington County - Live at Continental
13. The Promise - Live at Staples Center, Lo
14. Thunder Road - Live at Continental Airli
15. Point Blank - Live at First Union Center
16. For You - Live at Staples Center, Los An
17. Incident on 57th Street - Live at First
18. Born to Run - Live at Continental Airlin
19. If I Should Fall Behind - Live at United
20. Land of Hope and Dreams - Live at Contin

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - The Born in the U.S.A. Tour '84 - '85

1. Born in the U.S.A. - Live at Giants Stad
2. Cover Me - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena,
3. Darlington County - Live at Brendan Byrn
4. Working on the Highway - Live at LA Memo
5. Downbound Train - Live at LA Memorial Co
6. I'm On Fire - Live at LA Memorial Colise
7. No Surrender - Live at Brendan Byrne Are
8. Bobby Jean - Live at Giants Stadium, E.
9. I'm Goin' Down - Live at Brendan Byrne A
10. Glory Days - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena
11. Dancing In the Dark - Live at Brendan By
12. My Hometown - Live at Brendan Byrne Aren
13. Stand On It - Live at LA Memorial Colise
14. Pink Cadillac - Live at Brendan Byrne Ar
15. Seeds - Live at Giants Stadium, E. Ruthe

The Live Series: Songs From Around The World Vol. 2

1. Growin' Up - Live at Hammersmith Odeon,
2. Hungry Heart - Live at Wembley Arena, Lo
3. Tunnel of Love - Live at Stockholms Stad
4. Leap Of Faith - Live at Waldbühne Berlin
5. Brothers Under The Bridge - Live at Pala
6. All I'm Thinkin' About - Live at Hovet,
7. We Take Care of Our Own - Live at Palais
8. Roulette - Live at Ippodromo delle Capan
9. TV Movie - Live at Millennium Stadium, C
10. Heaven's Wall - Live at Hope Estate Wine
11. From Small Things (Big Things One Day Co
12. None But the Brave - Live at Stadion Let
13. Darkness On the Edge of Town - Live at R
14. Human Touch - Live at Estadi Olimpic Llu
15. Ghosts - Live at Autodromo Nazionale di

Best of Bruce Springsteen (Expanded Edition)

1. Growin' Up
2. Spirit in the Night
3. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
4. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
5. Born to Run
6. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
7. Thunder Road
8. Badlands
9. Prove It All Night
10. The River
11. Hungry Heart
12. Atlantic City
13. Glory Days
14. Dancing In the Dark
15. Born in the U.S.A.
16. Brilliant Disguise
17. Tougher Than the Rest
18. Human Touch
19. If I Should Fall Behind
20. Living Proof
21. Streets of Philadelphia
22. The Ghost of Tom Joad
23. Secret Garden
24. The Rising
25. Long Time Comin'
26. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
27. The Wrestler
28. We Take Care of Our Own
29. Hello Sunshine
30. Ghosts
31. Letter To You

The Live Series: Songs Of Celebration

1. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Live at Ca
2. Out in the Street - Live at Brendan Byrn
3. Sherry Darling - Live at Giants Stadium,
4. Dancing In the Dark - Live at Joe Louis
5. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out - Live at Madiso
6. Better Days - Live at Boston Garden, Bos
7. Having A Party (feat. Southside Johnny)
8. My Love Will Not Let You Down - Live at
9. Roll of the Dice - Live at Arrowhead Pon
10. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
11. Mary's Place - Live at the Coliseum, Gre
12. What Love Can Do - Live at Wachovia Spec
13. Surprise, Surprise - Live at HSBC Arena,
14. The E Street Shuffle - Live at the Apoll
15. No Surrender - Live at Amalie Arena, Tam

The Live Series: Songs on Keys

1. For You - Live at C.W. Post College, Gre
2. Independence Day - Live at The Roxy, Wes
3. Real World - Live at The Shrine, Los Ang
4. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out - Live at The Sh
5. The Promise - Live at Madison Square Gar
6. I Wish I Were Blind - Live at Van Andel
7. Backstreets - Live at Sovereign Bank Are
8. Valentine's Day - Live at Schottenstein
9. Iceman - Live at Tower Theater, Upper Da
10. The River - Live at Hovet, Stockholm, SE
11. Zero and Blind Terry - Live at Sovereign
12. Lost in the Flood - Live at Schottenstei
13. Drive All Night - Live at Sovereign Bank
14. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street? - Liv
15. Incident on 57th Street - Live at Croke

The Live Series: Songs of New Jersey

1. Born to Run - Live at Brendan Byrne Aren
2. Spirit In The Night - Live at Nassau Col
3. Meeting Across the River - Live at Capit
4. Prove It All Night - Live at Brendan Byr
5. Jersey Girl - Live at Giants Stadium, E.
6. Local Hero - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena
7. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out - Live at Brenda
8. My Hometown - Live at St. Rose of Lima S
9. Open All Night - Live at Brendan Byrne A
10. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) - Live
11. New York City Serenade - Live at Madison
12. Johnny 99 - Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uni
13. I Don't Want to Go Home - Live at Paramo
14. Jungleland - Live at Continental Airline
15. Wrecking Ball - Live at MetLife Stadium,
16. My City of Ruins - Live at MetLife Stadi
17. Atlantic City - Live at Prudential Cente
18. Seaside Bar Song - Live at Times Union C
19. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Live at Me
20. Freehold - Live at Continental Airlines

The Live Series: Songs of Introspection

1. It's My Life - Live at the Fox Theatre,
2. Jackson Cage - Live at Wembley Arena, Lo
3. Used Cars - Live at Brendan Byrne Arena,
4. Downbound Train - Live at Giants Stadium
5. Two Faces - Live at LA Arena, Los Angele
6. My Beautiful Reward - Live at Brendan By
7. The River - Live at St. Rose of Lima Sch
8. It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City - Li
9. Loose Ends - Live at Continental Airline
10. Reno - Live at Schottenstein Center, Col
11. I'll Fly Away - Live at St. Pete Times F
12. The Wrestler - Live at Nassau Coliseum,
13. Hearts Of Stone - Live at Mohegan Sun Ar
14. Blinded by the Light - Live at MetLife S
15. Long Time Comin' - Live at Brisbane Ente

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - The Darkness Tour '78

1. Badlands - Live at Capitol Theatre, Pass
2. Adam Raised a Cain - Live at Berkeley Co
3. Something in the Night - Live at Palace
4. Candy's Room - Live at The Summit, Houst
5. Racing in the Street - Live at Capitol T
6. The Promised Land - Live at Fox Theatre,
7. Factory - Live at Fox Theatre Atlanta, G
8. Streets of Fire - Live at Capitol Theatr
9. Prove It All Night - Live at Fox Theatre
10. Darkness On The Edge Of Town - Live at T
11. Rendezvous - Live at Winterland Arena, S
12. Because the Night - Live at Fox Theatre
13. The Promise - Live at Berkeley Community
14. Fire - Live at Winterland Arena, San Fra
15. Independence Day - Live at Fox Theatre,
16. Action In The Streets - Live at Auditori
17. The Fever - Live at The Summit, Houston,
18. Point Blank - Live at Fox Theatre Atlant
19. Sherry Darling - Live at The Agora, Clev
20. The Ties That Bind - Live at Winterland

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