Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Bright Eyes > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Bright eyes

Bells and Whistles

1. Bells and Whistles

Christmas in Prison (feat. John Prine)

1. Christmas in Prison (feat. John Prine)

Running Back (Live For SiriusXM)

1. Running Back - Live For SiriusXM

Miracle of Life

1. Miracle of Life

Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was

1. Pageturners Rag
2. Dance and Sing
3. Just Once in the World
4. Mariana Trench
5. One and Done
6. Pan and Broom
7. Stairwell Song
8. Persona Non Grata
9. Tilt-A-Whirl
10. Hot Car in the Sun
11. Forced Convalescence
12. To Death's Heart (In Three Parts)
13. Calais to Dover
14. Comet Song

Mariana Trench

1. Mariana Trench
2. One and Done
3. Forced Convalescence
4. Persona Non Grata

One and Done

1. One and Done
2. Forced Convalescence
3. Persona Non Grata

Forced Convalescence

1. Forced Convalescence
2. Persona Non Grata

Persona Non Grata

1. Persona Non Grata

Digital Ash in a Digital Urn (Remastered)

1. Time Code
2. Gold Mine Gutted
3. Arc of Time (Time Code)
4. Down in a Rabbit Hole
5. Take It Easy (Love Nothing)
6. Hit the Switch
7. I Believe in Symmetry
8. Devil in the Details
9. Ship in a Bottle
10. Light Pollution
11. Theme to Pinata
12. Easy/Lucky/Free

I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning (Remastered)

1. At the Bottom of Everything
2. We Are Nowhere and It's Now
3. Old Soul Song (for the New World Order)
4. Lua
5. Train Under Water
6. First Day of My Life
7. Another Travelin' Song
8. Land Locked Blues
9. Poison Oak
10. Road to Joy

Fevers and Mirrors (Remastered)

1. A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever, and a Ne
2. A Scale, a Mirror and Those Indifferent
3. The Calendar Hung Itself…
4. Something Vague
5. The Movement of a Hand
6. Arienette
7. When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is un
8. Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh
9. The Center of the World
10. Sunrise, Sunset
11. An Attempt to Tip the Scales
12. A Song to Pass the Time

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