Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Augury > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Augury

Illusive Golden Age

1. Illusive Golden Age
2. The Living Vault
3. Carrion Tide
4. Mater Dolorosa
5. Maritime
6. Message Sonore
7. Parrallel Biospheres
8. Anchorite

Carrion Tide

1. Carrion Tide

Mater Dolorosa

1. Mater Dolorosa

Bending Twisting Turning

1. The Outsider
2. I Wanted You
3. Lend Me Your Hand
4. Pity
5. I'm Calling
6. My Name is Pain
7. Kingdoms Come
8. Those Eyes
9. Walk The Path
10. Who Do You Need
11. I am Complete
12. To Understand
13. With a Wall
14. Bonus Track

Moment Of Grace

1. Faith
2. Never Let It Show
3. Follow Me
4. Raging Waters
5. Send Them Away
6. Dazed On Wine
7. Ride Up
8. On Your Knees
9. Lonely Night
10. Evening Sun
11. Through The Rain
12. In The Distance
13. Unknown

Fragmentary Evidence

1. Aetheral
2. Simian Cattle
3. Orphans of Living
4. Jupiter to Ignite
5. Sovereigns Unknown
6. Skyless
7. Faith Puppeteers
8. Brimstone Landscapes
9. Oversee the Rebirth

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