Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Anaïs Mitchell > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Anaïs mitchell

On Your Way (Felix Song)

1. On Your Way (Felix Song)
2. Brooklyn Bridge
3. Bright Star

I Heard the Bells

1. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
2. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day - Ins

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

1. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

Woyaya EP

1. Woyaya - Acoustic Demo
2. Woyaya
3. Woyaya - Flipped Instrumental Mix
4. Woyaya - Flipped Dub
5. Woyaya - A Capella Demo

Woyaya (acoustic Demo)

1. Woyaya - Acoustic Demo


1. Woyaya


1. Wedding Song
2. Epic
3. Way Down Hadestown
4. Songbird Intro
5. Hey, Little Songbird
6. Gone, I'm Gone
7. When The Chips Are Down
8. Wait For Me
9. Why We Build The Wall
10. Our Lady Of The Underground
11. Flowers
12. Nothing Changes
13. If It's True
14. Papers
15. How Long?
16. Epic
17. Lover's Desire
18. His Kiss, The Riot
19. Doubt Comes In
20. I Raise My Cup To Him

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