Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Allo Darlin' > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Allo darlin'

Northern Lights

1. Northern Lights
2. Golden Age


1. Neil Armstrong
2. Capricornia
3. Europe
4. Some People Say
5. Northern Lights
6. Wonderland
7. Tallulah
8. The Letter
9. Still Young
10. My Sweet Friend

My Heart Is A Drummer - Single

1. My Heart is a Drummer
2. If Lonliness Was Art (Acoustic)

Allo Darlin'

1. Dreaming
2. The Polaroid Song
3. Silver Dollars
4. Kiss Your Lips
5. Heartbeat Chilli
6. If Loneliness Was Art
7. Woody Allen
8. Let's Go Swimming
9. My Heart is a Drummer
10. What Will Be Will Be

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