Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > A Sunny Day In Glasgow > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de A sunny day in glasgow

New Christmas Classics

1. Shut Your Mouth, It's Christmas
2. Saturn Pulls Me Apart (Death of the Unco
3. Fantasia on Xmas (From Vaughan Williams)
4. The Strange Presents of Idols (Merry Chr
5. All I Want for Christmas Is You - This I

Planning Weed Like It's Acid / Life Is Loss

1. Jet Black, Starlit
2. Hey, You're Mine
3. Bimbo
4. Follow Me (Only)
5. Jewelry Duty
6. Days & More Nights
7. Recognizing Patterns
8. Dedicate Your Love to Silence, Talk Abou
9. I Can't Live Without Your Love

Hey, You're Mine

1. Hey, You're Mine

Jet Black, Starlit

1. Jet Black, Starlit

Nitetime Rainbows

1. Nitetime rainbows
2. Daytime rainbows
3. So bloody, so tight
4. Piano lessons
5. Nitetime rainbows (The Buddy System remi
6. Nitetime rainbows (Acid wash edit by Ben
7. Nitetime rainbows (Ezekiel Honig remix)

Ashes Grammar

1. Magna for Annie, Josh, & Robin
2. Secrets at the prom
3. Slaughter killing carnage (The meaning o
4. Failure
5. Curse words
6. Close chorus
7. Shy
8. Lights
9. Passionate introverts (Dinosaurs)
10. West Philly vocoder
11. Evil, with evil, against evil
12. The white witch
13. Nitetime rainbows
14. Canalfish
15. Loudly
16. Blood white
17. Ashes grammar
18. Ashes maths
19. Miss my friends
20. Starting at a disadvantage
21. Life's great
22. Headphone space

Tout New Age

1. They Made My Baby Care About Things that
2. Laughter (Victims)
3. Summerlong Silences
4. The Ossifrage (Tout New Age)
5. Take Care of Yourself (Our Next Breath W
6. Yellow
7. Shame, Who Wouldn't Think It's Evil? (Le
8. Hugs & Kisses (Theme from A Sunny Day in

Scribble Mural Comic Journal

1. Wake Up Pretty
2. No. 6 Von Karman Street
3. A Mundane Phonecall to Jack Parsons
4. Our Change into Rain is No Change at All
5. Ghost in the Graveyard
6. 5:15 Train
7. Lists, Plans
8. C'mon
9. The Horn Song
10. Panic Attacks are what Make Me "Me"
11. Watery (Drowining is just Another Word f
12. Things Only I Can See
13. The Best Summer Ever

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