Accueil > Artistes > Rap, Hip Hop francais > p > The Takeover


Rap, Hip Hop » Rap, Hip Hop francais


The Takeover

Meilleure position : n° 125 du Top Albums France, pendant 1 semaine.
3 au total classé dans le Top Albums France.

Entré dans le Top Albums France du 27/10/2008, en 125e position.
Sorti du Top Albums France le 10/11/2008, en 176e position.

Ecoutez & téléchargez cet album

Take Me On A Ride
So Scandalous (feat. Willee Nillee)
Skit 1 - The Hypeconcept
Reservoir Foxin
Spellbound Room 18
Tropical Feed
Skit 2 - The Speech
Can't Control It
Grown to the Max
Permission to Freak
Skit 3 - Quadrupel
We Get On It
Primeministaz of Puppetry
Skit 4 - For the Mega Malocko Unit
Boots on the Ground
Puppets on the Moon
Skit 5 - Maloke on the Keyboard
Meet the Fablez
Mephistopheles "Frank Stoned" - Remix By Starskee
Mephistopheles Instrumental

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