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Albums et singles de Therapy?

Infernal Love

1. Epilepsy
2. Stories
3. A Moment Of Clarity
4. Jude The Obscene
5. Bowels Of Love
6. Misery
7. Bad Mother
8. Me Vs You
9. Loose
10. Diane
11. 30 Seconds
1. Misery
2. Die Laughing
3. Screamager
4. Jude The Obscene
5. Loose
6. 30 Seconds
7. Our Love Must Die
8. Nice Guys
9. Loose
10. Die Laughing
11. Nowhere
12. Unbeliever
13. Knives
14. Stories
15. Innocent X
16. Disgracelands
17. Diane
18. Opal Mantra

A Brief Crack Of Light

1. Living in the Shadow of the Terrible Thi
2. Plague Bell
3. Marlow
4. Before You, With You, After You
5. The Buzzing
6. Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder
7. Ghost Trio
8. Why Turbulence
9. Stark Raving Sane
10. Ecclesiastes

Living In The Shadow Of The Terrible Thing

1. Living in the Shadow of the Terrible Thi

Crooked Timber (gold Edition)

1. The Head That Tried To Strangle Itself
2. Enjoy The Struggle
3. Clowns Galore
4. Exiles (Sample Version)
5. Crooked Timber (Breathless FX Mix)
6. I Told You I Was Ill
7. Somnambulist
8. Blacken The Page
9. Magic Mountain (Sample Version)
10. Bad Excuse For Daylight (Sample Version)
11. Exiles (Bong-Ra Gutteral Exodus Mix)
12. Magic Mountain (Snug Slut Mix)
13. Low Winter Sun
14. Don't Try


1. Exiles (Sample Version)
2. Exiles (Subglitch & Stitch Remix)
3. Magic Mountain (Dubious Twins 'Babylon'

One Cure Fits All

1. Outro
2. Sprung
3. Deluded Son
4. Into the Light
5. Lose It All
6. Dopamine, Seratonin, Adrenaline
7. Unconsoled
8. Our White Noise
9. Private Nobody
10. Rain Hits Concrete
11. Fear of God
12. Heart Beat Hits
13. Walk Through Darkness

Never Apologise Never Explain

1. Rise Up (Make Yourself Well)
2. Die Like a Motherfucker
3. Perish the Throught
4. Here Be Monsters
5. So-Called Life
6. Panic
7. Polar Bear
8. Rock You Monkeys
9. Dead
10. Long Distance
11. This Ship Is Sinking
12. Save the Sermon
13. Last One to Heaven's a Loser

High Anxiety

1. Hey Satan-You Rock
2. Who Knows
3. Stand In Line
4. Nobody Here But Us
5. Watch You Go
6. If It Kills Me
7. Not In Any Name
8. My Voodoo Doll
9. Limbo
10. Last Blast
11. Rust

Crooked Timber

1. Crooked Timber (Radio Edit)
2. Don't Try
3. Low Winter Sun
4. Crooked Timber (Breathless FX Mix)

Crooked Timber

1. The Head That Tried To Strangle Itself
2. Enjoy The Struggle
3. Clowns Galore
4. Exiles
5. Crooked Timber
6. I Told You I Was Ill
7. Somnambulist
8. Blacken The Page
9. Magic Mountain
10. Bad Excuse For Daylight

Infernal Love

1. Epilepsy
2. Stories
3. A Moment Of Clarity
4. Jude The Obscene
5. Bowels Of Love
6. Misery
7. Bad Mother
8. Me Vs You
9. Loose
10. Diane
11. 30 Seconds


1. Knives
2. Screamager
3. Hellbelly
4. Stop It You're Killing Me
5. Nowhere
6. Die Laughing
7. Unbeliever
8. Trigger Inside
9. Lunacy Booth
10. Isolation
11. Turn
12. Femtex
13. Unrequited
14. Brainsaw
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