Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > The Rocket Summer > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The rocket summer

Same Air

1. Same Air

Of Men And Angels

1. Roses
2. You Gotta Believe
3. Hills And Valleys
4. I Want Something To Live For
5. Walls
6. Pull Myself Together (Don't Hate Me)
7. Of Men And Angels
8. I Need A Break...But I'd Rather Have A B
9. Nothing Matters
10. Japanese Exchange Student
11. Tara, I'm Terrible
12. Hey!
13. Let You Go
14. This Is A Refuge
15. Light

The Early Years Ep

1. So Far Away
2. My Typical Angel
3. Teenage Love Rock
4. That's What She Said
5. December Days
6. She's a Seven

Hello, Good Friend.

1. More to the Other Side of the Block
2. I Was So Alone
3. Around the Clock
4. I'm Doing Everything (For You)
5. Tell Me Something Good
6. Never Knew
7. Brat Pack
8. Treasures
9. Story
10. Goodbye Waves and Driveways
11. Show-Me Everything You've Got
12. Destiny
13. Christmas Present

Do You Feel

1. Break It Out
2. So Much Love
3. Do You Feel
4. Save
5. All I Have
6. High Life Scenery
7. A Song Is Not A Business Plan
8. Taken Aback
9. Colors
10. Run To You
11. Hold It Up
12. Waiting
13. So, In This Hour...

Hello, Good Friend

1. Move to the Other Side of the Block
2. I Was so Alone
3. Around the Clock
4. I’m Doing Everything for You
5. Tell me something Good
6. Never Knew
7. Brat Pack
8. Treasures
9. Story
10. Goodbye Waves and Drive Ways
11. Show Me Everything you’ve Got
12. Destiny
13. Christmas Present

Calendar Days

1. Cross My Heart
2. Skies So Blue
3. This is Me
4. Saturday
5. She's My Baby
6. That's So You
7. Mean Thoughts and Cheap Shots
8. Movie Stars and Super Models
9. What We Hate, We Make
10. TV Family

The Early Years

1. So Far Away
2. My Typical Angel
3. Teenage Love Rock
4. That's What She Said
5. December Days
6. She's A Seven

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