Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > The Ocean > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The ocean

1.0 Ansia

1. Beauty
2. Mad V2
3. Bellycose
4. Warpeggio
5. Silhouettes
6. Plastic Ocean

Sesiones En El Abismo

1. Bellycose - Live Abismo
2. Warpeggio - Live Abismo
3. Something to Do - Live Abismo
4. Silhouettes - Live Abismo
5. Hold on to Me - Live Abismo
6. Beauty - Live Abismo
7. Hallo Spaceboy - Live Abismo
8. Mad - Live Abismo

Fluxion (2009 Re-Edition)

1. Nazca
2. The Human Stain
3. Comfort Zones
4. Fluxion
5. Equinox
6. Loopholes
7. Dead on the Whole
8. Isla del Sol
9. The Greatest Bane


1. Epipelagic
2. Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny
3. Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses
4. Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams
5. Bathyalpelagic III: Disequillibrated
6. Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts
7. Abyssopelagic II: Signals of Anxiety
8. Hadopelagic I: Omen of the Deep
9. Hadopelagic II: Let Them Believe
10. Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance
11. Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes
1. Epipelagic (Instrumental Version)
2. Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny (Instrumen
3. Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses (Instrumental
4. Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams (I
5. Bathyalpelagic III: Disequillibrated (In
6. Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts (Instru
7. Abyssopelagic II: Signals of Anxiety (In
8. Hadopelagic I: Omen of the Deep (Instrum
9. Hadopelagic II: Let Them Believe (Instru
10. Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrume
11. Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes (Instr


1. Fogdiver
2. Endusers
3. The Melancholy Epidemic
4. Isla de la Luna
5. The Long Road to Nha Trang


1. Fogdiver
2. Endusers
3. The Melancholy Epidemic
4. Isla de la Luna
5. The Long Road to Nha Trang


1. Nazca
2. The Human Stain
3. Comfort Zones
4. Fluxion
5. Equinox
6. Loopholes
7. Dead On the Whole
8. Isla Del Sol
9. The Greatest Bane


1. Nazca
2. The Human Stain
3. Comfort Zones
4. Fluxion
5. Equinox
6. Loopholes
7. Dead On the Whole
8. Isla Del Sol
9. The Greatest Bane


1. Anthropocentric
2. The Grand Inquisitor I: Karamazov Basene
3. She was the Universe
4. For He that Wavereth...
5. The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots & Locusts
6. The Grand Inquisitor III: A Tiny Grain o
7. Sewers of the Soul
8. Wille Zum Untergang
9. Heaven TV
10. The Almightiness Contradiction


1. Shamayim
2. Firmament
3. The First Commandment Of The Luminaries
4. Ptolemy Was Wrong
5. Metaphysics Of The Hangman
6. Catharsis Of A Heretic
7. Swallowed By The Earth
8. Epiphany
9. The Origin Of Species
10. The Origin Of God


1. Nazca
2. The Human Stain
3. Comfort Zones
4. Fluxion
5. Equinox
6. Loopholes
7. Dead On The Whole
8. Isla Del Sol
9. The Greatest Bane


1. Hadean
2. Eoarchaean
3. Palaeoarchaean
4. Mesoarchaean
5. Neoarchaean
1. Siderian
2. Rhyacian
3. Orosirian
4. Statherian
5. Calymmian
6. Ectasian
7. Stenian
8. Tonian
9. Cryogenian

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