Accueil > Artistes > Hard Rock > The Darkness > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The darkness


1. Girlfriend

Is It Just Me?

1. Is It Just Me?
2. Shake (like A Lettuce Leaf)

Growing On Me

1. Growing On Me
2. How Dare You Call This Love?
3. Bareback

Is It Just Me?

1. Is It Just Me?

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is It Just Me?
4. Dinner Lady Arms
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
6. Hazel Eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English Country Garden
10. Blind Man
11. Grief Hammer
12. Wanker

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is It Just Me?
4. Dinner Lady Arms
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
6. Hazel Eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English Country Garden
10. Blind Man

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is It Just Me?
4. Dinner Lady Arms
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
6. Hazel Eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English Country Garden
10. Blind Man

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is It Just Me?
4. Dinner Lady Arms
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
6. Hazel Eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English Country Garden
10. Blind Man

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is It Just Me?
4. Dinner Lady Arms
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
6. Hazel Eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English Country Garden
10. Blind Man

One Way Ticket To Hell...and Back

1. One Way Ticket (album Version)
2. Knockers (album Version)
3. Is It Just Me? (album Version)
4. Dinner Lady Arms (album Version)
5. Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time (alb
6. Hazel Eyes (album Version)
7. Bald (album Version)
8. Girlfriend (album Version)
9. English Country Garden (album Version)
10. Blind Man (album Version)

One Way Ticket

1. One Way Ticket
2. Wanker

One Way Ticket

1. One Way Ticket
2. Grief Hammer

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