Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > The Acacia Strain > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The acacia strain


1. Skynet
2. Seaward
3. Dr. Doom
4. Forget-Me-Now
5. Cthulhu
6. Baby Buster
7. Balboa Towers
8. JFC
9. Kraken
10. The Combine
11. The Behemoth

The Dead Walk

1. Sarin: The End
2. Burnface
3. 4X4
4. As If Set Afire
5. Angry Mob Justice
6. Whoa! Shut It Down
7. See You Next Tuesday
8. Demolishor
9. Pity
10. Predator: Never Prey
11. The Dead Walk


1. Carbomb
2. Brown Noise
3. 3750
4. Smoke Ya Later
5. Extreme Wrath of the Jhiaxus
6. Drawn and Quartered
7. Passing the Pencil Test
8. Halcyon
9. Sunpoison and Skin Cancer

The Dead Walk

1. Sarin: The End
2. Burnface
3. 4X4
4. As if Set Afire
5. Angry Mob Justice
6. Whoa! Shut It Down
7. See You Next Tuesday
8. Demolishor
9. Pity
10. Predator: Never Prey
11. The Dead Walk


1. Carbomb
2. Brown Noise
3. 3750
4. Smoke Ya Later
5. Extreme Wrath Of The Jhiaxus
6. Drawn And Quartered
7. Passing The Pencil Test
8. Halcyon
9. Sun Poison And Skin Cancer

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