Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Surfer Blood > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Surfer blood


1. Dorian


1. Demon Dance
2. Gravity
3. Weird Shapes
4. I Was Wrong
5. Squeezing Blood
6. Say Yes To Me
7. Blair Witch
8. Needles And Pins
9. Slow Six
10. Prom Song
11. Bird 4 U
12. Phantom Limb


1. Demon Dance
2. Gravity
3. Weird Shapes
4. I Was Wrong
5. Squeezing Blood
6. Say Yes To Me
7. Blair Witch
8. Needles And Pins
9. Slow Six
10. Prom Song

Demon Dance

1. Demon Dance

Tarot Classics

1. I'm Not Ready
2. Miranda
3. Voyager Reprise
4. Drinking Problem

Tarot Classics

1. I'm Not Ready
2. Miranda
3. Voyager Reprise
4. Drinking Problem
5. Voyager Reprise
6. Drinking Problem
7. I'm Not Ready
8. Miranda
9. I'm Not Ready
10. Miranda
11. Voyager Reprise

Tarot Classics

1. I'm Not Ready
2. Miranda
3. Voyager Reprise
4. Drinking Problem
5. Voyager Reprise
6. Drinking Problem

Floating Vibes

1. Floating Vibes
2. Twin Peaks (Allen Blickle Remix)

Floating Vibes

1. Floating Vibes
2. Twin Peaks

Astro Coast

1. Floating Vibes
2. Swim
3. Take It Easy
4. Harmonix
5. Neighbour Riffs
6. Twin Peaks
7. Fast Jabroni
8. Slow Jabroni
9. Anchorage
10. Catholic Pagans

Astro Coast + Clip Offert

1. Floating Vibes
2. Swim
3. Take It Easy
4. Harmonix
5. Neighbour Riffs
6. Twin Peaks
7. Fast Jabroni
8. Slow Jabroni
9. Anchorage
10. Catholic Pagans


1. Swim

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