Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > Savatage > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Savatage

Still The Orchestra Plays - Greatest Hits Volume 1 & 2

1. Power Of The Night
2. Hall Of The Mountain King
3. 24 Hours Ago
4. Legions
5. Gutter Ballet
6. Summers Rain
7. When The Crowds Are Gone
8. Ghost In The Ruins
9. If I Go Away
10. NYC Don't Mean Nothing
11. Edge Of Thorns
12. All That I Bleed
1. Handful Of Rain
2. Chance
3. One Child
4. I Am
5. Anymore
6. The Hourglass
7. Wake Of Magellan
8. Morphine Child
9. Anymore
10. Not What You See
11. Out On The Streets


1. Sirens
2. Holocaust
3. I Believe
4. Rage
5. On the Run
6. Twisted Little Sister
7. Living for the Night
8. Scream Murder
9. Out on the Streets
10. Target
11. Living on the Edge of Time
12. Island Of The Kings (Hidden Track)

Dungeons Are Calling

1. The Dungeons are Calling
2. By the Grace of the Witch
3. Vision
4. Midas Knight
5. City beneath the Surface
6. The Whip
7. Metalhead
8. Before I Hang
9. Stranger in the Dark
10. Piper Rap (Hidden Track)

The Dungeons Are Calling

1. The Dungeons Are Calling
2. By the Grace of the Witch
3. Visions
4. Midas Knight
5. City Beneath the Surface
6. The Whip


1. Sirens
2. Holocaust
3. I Believe
4. Rage
5. On The Run
6. Twisted Little Sister
7. Living For The Night
8. Scream Murder
9. Out On The Streets

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