Accueil > Artistes > Amerique Latine > Puya > Romanisme - Partea 1-A (romanisme - 1st Part)


Romanisme - Partea 1-A (romanisme - 1st Part)

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Voocooderu' lu' George
Undeva-n Balkani (Somewhere in the Balkans)
Aaaa!!! Nu vezi nimic (Aaaa!!! You don't see anything)
Sus pe bar (Up on the bar)
Luni.marti.miercuri (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
Merita un Oscar (It deserves and Oscar)
Imbracat la 4 ace (Well dressed)
Ohh, nu (Ohh no)
Ce bine e sa fii peste (How good is to be a fish)
Pustoaica (The kid)
N-am banii de la tata (I don't have money from my father)
Yeu, yeu, yeu

Puya, c'est aussi...

Aventurile Domnului Puy(A)

Best Of

Romanisme - Partea A 2-A (romanisme - 2nd Part)

Romanisme - Partea 1-A (romanisme - 1st Part)

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